Best practice forum (Archived)

program enrolment

Csaba Gloner
program enrolment
von Csaba Gloner – Monday, 4 August 2014, 1:19 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Partners

Following scenario:

- there is a program containing some courses

- the program is set to be available to a specific date

- users are assigned to the program

- a user clicks on launch course at the first course in the program, so will be enrolled into this course vie program enrolment

- the date set in the program is over.

- now the user can't access the program page any more, he sees "This program is not currently available to students", which is fine

- the user can still access the course where he is enrolled via the program enrolment.

Is there a way to AUTOMATICALLY hide the program enrolments in the course so that users cannot access the course any more when the date set at "available until" is over, so the program isn't available any more?

Thanks for any ideas



Re: program enrolment
von George Angus – Monday, 4 August 2014, 5:32 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Csaba,

I think the best way to achieve this would be to use audience-based visibility. 

There's some guidance here and some related discussion here.

Hope this is useful,


Csaba Gloner
Re: program enrolment
von Csaba Gloner – Tuesday, 5 August 2014, 12:31 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Partners

Hi George,thanks for your answer.

I can't see, how this is possible with audience based visibility as this is about being able to unenrol users from the courses or restrict visibility for users who are already enrolled in the course with program enrolment - in which case the audience-based visibility wouldn't take effect. (Using audience-based visibility for the program wouldn't work either as this controls only the visibility of the program but users who are already enrolled in a course, stay there enrolled)

(Or do I see something from the above wrong?)

But you gave me a good idea to investigate with audiences, for Example to create a dynamic audience for the program with a rule set to add each audiences to it and then set an end date to this audience or use a rule to program completion. This way after the end date / program completion the users should theoretically be unenrolled from the courses. I assume some checking can only be made once a day by the cron so I need some time for testing this.




David Curry (Core Developer)
Re: program enrolment
von David Curry (Core Developer) – Tuesday, 5 August 2014, 8:35 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hey Csbasa,

I think George is probably right about there being a way to achieve this using audiences. But just on your initial point, you create a program with an "available until" date? Then after that date has passed the users can still access (and complete?) the courses through that programs enrollment plugin? That doesn't sound right to me, I would expect the courses to be unavailable as well as long as the user isn't enrolled via other plugins. I'll file a bug to look into that functionality.


Re: program enrolment
von George Angus – Tuesday, 5 August 2014, 9:59 PM
Gruppe Totara


As a clunky workaround you could create a dynamic audience (based on NOT completing the courses within the program) and then use the audience to enroll Learners into the program. After they complete the courses they are no longer part of the enrolled audience and cannot access the courses.



Csaba Gloner
Re: program enrolment
von Csaba Gloner – Tuesday, 5 August 2014, 11:01 PM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Partners

Hi David,

thanks for the idea with the dynamic audience, this is exactly what I have tried.

@George, thanks for investigating this, there must be some bug in the program enrolment plugin because I would also expect that users will be unenroled from the courses if they are only enrolled by the program plugin when the program isn't active any more.



Oleg Demeshev
Re: program enrolment
von Oleg Demeshev – Monday, 22 September 2014, 9:52 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi there,

A fix for this issue has been included in Totara 2.6.10 which was released on 23rd September 2014.
Please let us know if you have any further issues.

Totara Learning Solutions Support Team.