Best practice forum (Archived)

Recertification date setting in certifications

Recertification date setting in certifications
di David Shaw - Wednesday, 30 April 2014, 01:44


Can you explain the logic behind the 'Use certification expiry date' Recertification date setting (found on the certification tab in certifications).

I expected this setting to add a renewal period onto the old expiry date after the learner had renewed the certification but it is adding the renewal period to the new expiry date calculated after they have passed.  In effect this is giving me 6 year renewal periods instead of 3 year renewals.

Was this the intended functionality or is this a bug?


Re: Recertification date setting in certifications
di David Shaw - Wednesday, 30 April 2014, 01:51

Sorry, ignore me, I think we have a bug in a bit of customisation