We have discovered that the TinyMCE editor no longer seems to appears for Text Entry fields within the Appraisal section of Totara when viewed on IE8. It also doesn't appear on the Primary Position screen for a user, but does appear on the screen for entering the name and description of an appraisal and other places which are generic Moodle. I have also noticed that Save PDF Snapshot and Print no longer do anything when pressed in the Appraisal screen, which may well be linked to the fact that nothing which requires one of the Totara modal dialogues (assigning a new manager to a user, etc.) appears to work. The Activity Chooser and File Picker work fine, as expected.
I appreciate that IE8 is no longer a fully supported browser for Moodle 2.6, but this seems a lot like a regression and for us since the features worked perfectly well in 2.5 and none of the dialogues (on the surface at least), appear to have changed. I suspect this is also going to be a problem for other NHS Trusts since IE8 is mandated for our national HR system, and upgrading to IE9+ or switching to another browser just isn’t an option. The fact that TinyMCE works fine elsewhere (in the non-Totara Specific areas it seems) would appear to suggest that something isn't quite right here which isn’t entirely based on Moodle no longer supporting IE8 officially. Most of the modal dialogues are only really used by our admin staff (reassigning staff to new managers, etc.) and therefore we can look at a limited rollout of a different browser, but that isn’t possible for most of the organisation and the PDF Snapshot and Print in Appraisals needs to work for everyone.
I know that this is a good example of why it’s important to do lots of testing prior to upgrading, but I thought it was important to ask if/when this will be resolved and to warn anyone else stuck with legacy browsers that 2.6 may be less functional than 2.5 in some areas.