Best practice forum (Archived)

Multi home page

Multi home page
di Gianluca Brambati - Tuesday, 16 September 2014, 06:22
Gruppo Partners

We use 2.6 version and the requirement is different Home Page for different Organizations:

Student1 -> Organizaztion X

Student2 -> Organizazion Y


the Home Page (after login) for Student1 different Home Page Student2.


Ideas to solve the requirements without Customizations ?

Re: Multi home page
di David Shaw - Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 03:04

Hi Gianluca,

If you don't have too many organisations you can use blocks on the front page to add different content.  You then use audiences to assign people in each org into roles and then set block visibility based on those roles.

As an admin you end up with lots of blocks, but as a learner you only see the blocks that apply to your organisation.

If you need different themes for each org then set the appropriate theme at the user level.



Re: Multi home page
di Gianluca Brambati - Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 03:17
Gruppo Partners

Thx we have more or less 5.000 users and 3 main Organizations (with sub-organizations) so I think your suggestion it's very usefull..