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TL-7250 Make Audience Start/End dates do more

Tom Wood
TL-7250 Make Audience Start/End dates do more
by Tom Wood - Wednesday, 25 November 2015, 7:48 AM
Group Totara

At present Audience Start/End dates only control two functions:

1) When outside these dates they remove access from dashboards (2.7 only)
2) They prevent dynamic audience membership from being updated automatically after the date has passed..

The proposal here is to make the dates do more for example:

  • An audience has two states, active and inactive
  • If no start or end date is set the audience is active
  • If a start date is set, and the current date is before the start date, the audience is inactive
  • If an end date is set, and the current date is after the end date, the audience is inactive
  • Otherwise the audience is active
Tom Wood
Re: TL-7250 Make Audience Start/End dates do more
by Tom Wood - Wednesday, 25 November 2015, 7:50 AM
Group Totara

This feature request (tracked under request ID TL-7250) has been deemed high priority and is under consideration for development by Totara core.

This does not indicate a delivery commitment.  Development of the functionality is subject to further prioritization and resource availability.

Development priorities are reviewed regularly.  If you wish to escalate your market need for this functionality, please contact your Totara Channel Partner Manager.


Totara Product Support

Candela Casas
Re: TL-7250 Make Audience Start/End dates do more
by Candela Casas - Wednesday, 10 October 2018, 1:37 AM


This is important in the case of companies that sell an access to their course for an X number of months.

For example, we have a client that at 3 months needs to deactivate the users of the course, and must do it manually.

Best regards,


Brooke Jacobs
Re: TL-7250 Make Audience Start/End dates do more
by Brooke Jacobs - Wednesday, 28 December 2022, 4:26 PM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

Audience Start/End dates to impact triggers for certifications

Certification is created with notification to learner on assignment. 
Dynamic audience with a start date in the future is assigned. 
All members of dynamic audience are sent the certification notifications regardless of dynamic audience start date. 

Set/Dynamic audiences with a start date in the future to NOT be sent certification notifications such as trigger "Learner assigned in certification" until the audience start date has been reached/passed.