Totara Learn Open Discussions

SCORM upload error

? ?
SCORM upload error
di ? ? - Monday, 16 April 2018, 01:54

Hi, I'm hoping for some help with this. I've been sent a SCORM package to upload but I receive this error...

Incorrect file package - missing imsmanifest.xml or AICC structure

Any ideas how to fix it? I'm using Totara 11. I've attached some screen shots of the files contained.

Thanks in advance :) 

Craig Eves
Re: SCORM upload error
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 16 April 2018, 20:11
Gruppo Totara

Hi Kerry

From your screenshots the file imsmanifest.xml is missing - this file is expected to be in the root folder for SCORM 's. There also seem to be zipped files in the folders. Can you try looking for this file and ensuring it is in the root folder.

If this file isn't there are the files being saved as SCORM 1.2 format or are they AICC format?


? ?
Re: SCORM upload error
di ? ? - Tuesday, 17 April 2018, 01:31

Hi Craig,

Thanks for your response. 

The company have called it a 'SCORM compliant' package but it may well be AICC as it was sent from an aviation company.

It looks like the imsmanifest.xml is there (see highlighted file in attached screen shot). How can I determine which is the root folder?

Thanks so much

Craig Eves
Re: SCORM upload error
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 17 April 2018, 13:52
Gruppo Totara

Hi Kerry

The imsmanifest.xml is there and in the right location (I was looking for lmsmanifest!)

When I look at a SCORM package with subfolders the subfolders aren't also zipped. Are you able to unzip the files in the subfolders eg 2ELT and then use  these files when zipping the SCORM.

If this doesn't help then please open a support ticket with the SCORM file in it so we can investigate further.
