Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category

Ally Simmons
Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category
par Ally Simmons, Wednesday 22 August 2018, 10:21
When you add a course to a Sub Category, it no longer appears under the Parent Category. Is there a setting that allows the course to appear in both Parent and Sub categories? 
Craig Eves
Re: Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Wednesday 22 August 2018, 16:44
Groupe Totara

Hi Ally

Are you using the Find Learning top menu to show the courses - this should show the course no mater what category the course is in.

The Find Learning is a report that can be modified in later Totara versions so the category can be included in the search.

Hopefully this helps - I am not sure why you are wanting a course to appear in catgegory and sub category - as long as it is able to be found it doesn't need to appear twice?


Carly Bradford
Re: Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category
par Carly Bradford, Friday 24 August 2018, 06:21

We don't think of it as appearing twice, but operating as a drill down. If they were just in two separate categories, I wouldn't expect any crossover. However, with subs, I would expect the behavior to be:

Select Parent -- see all children, grandchildren, great grandchildren.

Select Parent/Child -- see all grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Select Parent/Child/Grandchild -- see all great grandchildren.

With this behavior, a learner nagivating a huge site who isn't knowledgeable about the organization can start his search the at parent category and drill down as needed.

But I'm guessing it doesn't work this way :)

Craig Eves
Re: Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Sunday 26 August 2018, 17:00
Groupe Totara

Hi Carla

Thanks for the example- the category filter has a include sub-categories tick box that will show course from all the category levels below the selected course category.

Carly Bradford
Re: Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category
par Carly Bradford, Monday 27 August 2018, 05:53
Thank you. Unfortunately, this makes two problems caused by our partner. We purchased a theme, and the theme keeps "hiding" important options such as this. Thanks for helping us narrow down the problem!
Craig Eves
Re: Course appears in Sub Category but not Parent Category
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Monday 27 August 2018, 16:40
Groupe Totara

Hi Carla

I think it is unlikely this is hidden by a theme - the Totara version you are using may not have this option. 

I looked at 2.9 and this option wasn't included - what version have you got (this is shown under Site Admin > Notifications)
