Best practice forum (Archived)

Developing your skills as a learning professional

? ?
Developing your skills as a learning professional
di ? ? - Thursday, 6 September 2018, 09:19

Hi all,

As learning professionals we're required to perform a range of roles to meet the needs of our clients and internal stakeholders. Which skills do you think are the most essential for you to achieve in your day-to day work?

? ?
Re: Developing your skills as a learning professional
di ? ? - Tuesday, 25 September 2018, 12:09

knowing how to prioritize conflicting priorities

knowing how to work with SMEs that are not very digitally savvy.   

knowing how to architecturally structure training that will change formats and flows once added to an LMS

Lars Hyland
Re: Developing your skills as a learning professional
di Lars Hyland - Tuesday, 25 September 2018, 14:06
Gruppo Partners

Thanks Christina, I'd agree these are important skills to have.

Conflicting priorities affect everyone across an organisation, not just the learning professional, but too often we find ourselves with less control over how to respond to competing demands from different parts of the business, each of which think their needs come first :-)

Working with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) is a core part of the learning professionals job - one reason we have the Skills Journey curriculum here in the Totara Academy is to provide a way to be more inclusive - all your stakeholders could benefit from collaboratively working through these learning resources to raise awareness, improve digital savvy and help projects move forward at a faster, more effective pace, and also with better outcomes.

I think your last point refers to re-designing the learning experience of existing "offline" training to a blended series of learning activities managed through the LMS - am I right?

It would be great to hear others thoughts on skills they feel are crucial to succeeding as a learning professional.