Best practice forum (Archived)

Are you a "Learning Engineer"?

Lars Hyland
Are you a "Learning Engineer"?
door Lars Hyland - Friday, 28 September 2018, 03:01 AM
Groep Partners

There is an interesting debate growing around the job role "Instructional Designer" and "Learning Engineer" - which camp do you fall into? And is it a worthwhile distinction to make?

Take a look at this article - then tell us your thoughts!



? ?
Re: Are you a "Learning Engineer"?
door ? ? - Friday, 28 September 2018, 07:36 AM

I am SO glad you posted this.  its a distinction that i too have been contemplating recently .

My background is as a Corporate Trainer and Development Director and its been extremely useful in my current role as LMS Administrator because what ends up happening is that we have all these SMEs with their own content in various formats mainly power points and different strengths which usually does not inc training they just happen to be experts in a specific topic or skill area, i work with these individuals to build their online courses.    My job is not only to convert a SMEs content into a usable online module but to also followup and look for trends in learning and offer suggestions to improve engagement.      I work closely with HR to help push initiatives using our LMS.

its more than just instructional design but also varies by employer hence why there is such a struggle to agree on a label.   i was also thinking of titles that better describe what i do and while i still havent found the best one, i like Learning Architect. 

Lars Hyland
Re: Are you a "Learning Engineer"?
door Lars Hyland - Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 06:52 AM
Groep Partners

Hi Christina,

Thanks for your thoughts - yes, Learning Architect is a good option and is broad enough to encompass a wide range of activities and skill sets. You might like to get a copy of Clive Shepherd's book "The New Learning Architect" which would support your case for holding that title! :-) 

Clive is also the architect behind the Skills Journey curriculum hosted on the Totara Community/Academy.

I'd be interested to hear from others who have come across the "Learning Engineer" title. 

Clive Shepherd
Re: Are you a "Learning Engineer"?
door Clive Shepherd - Tuesday, 2 October 2018, 08:53 AM
I explored the different names that we call ourselves as designers in this article: