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Need open URL link to ROL-Active

? ?
Need open URL link to ROL-Active
بواسطة Tuesday, 20 November 2018, 10:05 AM - ? ?

Hi Everyone

hopefully someone can help me with this question.   i need to create a direct link to the Record of Learning -Active page--add it to our dashboards for all staff.   when i grab the URL that i see its the direct link to MY ROL page.  how do i change it to be an open URL for ALL?

here is the picture of mine 

any  suggestions would be appreciated.


Tom Ireland
Re: Need open URL link to ROL-Active
بواسطة Wednesday, 21 November 2018, 8:21 AM - Tom Ireland
مجموعة Totara
Hey, Christina

The URL utilises the userid of the current logged in user to determine which records to show, which will be a variable value depending on the user logged in; unfortunately there is not an easy way to do this using a static link, because you need some mechanism to pick up the userid of the current logged in user.

This is an option using the Main Menu, though, because you can add variable values e.g. userid, courseid, etc.

If you were happy to create a custom Main Menu item, you could add the following as the URL, which would do exactly what you need: /totara/plan/record/courses.php?userid=##userid##&status=active

Take a look at our Main Menu documentation to see how this works and how to create items.

I hope the above helps!

