Best practice forum (Archived)

How do you keep suspended users out of SET Audiences?

? ?
How do you keep suspended users out of SET Audiences?
על ידי ? ? בתאריך 9/01/2019, 11:46

Hello Totara community

when you upload a new audience [via CSV file}, there is a page that shows you which users are Active vs Suspended there a setting in the initial set up that would NOT add suspended users to a new Audience?  i have played around with the settings but couldnt find a way of excluding them.  do you smart folk have any suggestions?   =)

Craig Eves
Re: How do you keep suspended users out of SET Audiences?
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 13/01/2019, 19:02
קבוצה Totara

Hi Christina

My suggestion is to make another Audience and have a rule in this one saying the user is not suspended and a member of the first audience.
