Best practice forum (Archived)

Keep scores when updating e-learning activity

Evy De Bruyckere
Keep scores when updating e-learning activity
di Evy De Bruyckere - Wednesday, 30 January 2019, 01:19


We have a course in which we use the e-learning activity. However, the content might change over time. At that time, we would like to update the SCORM package, but keep the scores of people who have already finished the e-learning.

Maybe I haven't found it yet, but it seems as if I can only delete the old e-learning and replace it with a new SCORM package. This results in the deletion of all scores and progress.

Is there a way to keep previous scores?

Is there a way to keep progress when there are minor changes in the package? We set the e-learning up as 'prompt to resume' and it would be great if the user would be sent back to the slide they were on before the update of the package.

Thank you for thinking along!


Craig Eves
Re: Keep scores when updating e-learning activity
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 30 January 2019, 13:35
Gruppo Totara

Hi Evy

If the new SCORM package has the same sco item identifiers in the imsmanifest.xml then the grades and tracking data won't change. 

If the package has modified indentifiers/added or removed scos from the package  any tracking data associated with the old sco identifiers are deleted as the grade could possibly change.

To check this you need to unzip the SCORM packages and view the file  imsmanifest.xml and compare the old and new files to see they are the same. If they are different then you need to edit the new SCORM package with your authoring tool so the items have the same name.

Then upload the new package to the existing SCORM activity and the grades and progress should be retained.
