Totara Learn Open Discussions

Auto-Enrollment Emails at Course Level

? ?
Auto-Enrollment Emails at Course Level
door ? ? - Thursday, 28 February 2019, 13:53 PM


It's my first time posting to the community forum, so I apologize ahead of time for starting a new discussion about this particular topic, but the old discussion I found is almost 4 years old -  

I was wondering if Auto-Enrollment notification emails at the course level, is a feature that has been added since '15, when it appears the question was last asked.

If it is something that can be done, then I am absolutely overlooking the setting and would love to be pointed in the right direction. If it isn't possible to have learners automatically notified upon course enrollment, I will look at creating a program & putting the course in there, as was suggested in the original discussion.

Thank you!


Re: Auto-Enrollment Emails at Course Level
door George Angus - Thursday, 28 February 2019, 19:11 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Keli,

This isn't possible yet, but we have a Feature request: TL-14769 - Add course enrolment Welcome Message for all enrolment plugins. Its highly likely this will be included in TL-5140 Implement general purpose messaging library in T13.

There is a workaround. You can use the Forum activity to send messages to enrolled learners buy setting the Subscription mode to 'Forced subscription' and setting a Subject and message, all enrolled learners will then be sent an email with whatever Subject & message you choose.

Its sent on the cron run.



? ?
Re: Auto-Enrollment Emails at Course Level
door ? ? - Friday, 1 March 2019, 08:47 AM

Great - thanks so much for the info George, I appreciate it!