I'd like to show our users on the front page dashboard what courses they are requried to take and think the easiest way to accomplish this would be to add a block showing this. However, I can't find any block that would display only unfished courses that are required. Any ideas on how to set this up?
Best practice forum (Archived)
Required learning block?
The best answer might be dependent on which version you're on. In more recent versions the Current Learning block should be what you're looking for. It's not the prettiest block - but it does bring in enrolled but unfinished courses/programs/certifications into one block.
If you're on V12 and want something a little nicer, you could model a solution similar to Totara Academy and use the Featured Links Block. Then build audiences for each course with the criteria of 'Enrolled in Course X' AND 'Has not completed Course X' (or something to the effect). Then use the tile visibility settings to only show each course tile to the course-specific audience
Otherwise you could also create a report with the desired filters (status = not completed) and then use the Report Table block (make sure you have the correct content/access restrictions on it).
For my users I'd like to have a list of enrolled programs, and a list of completed courses.
If i understand you correctly, I create a report for each of these items, and then add that block ...
I'm on V9 I think.