Totara Learn Open Discussions

Messaging in certifications

Messaging in certifications
MoulDennette 发表于 2019年05月22日 Wednesday 06:58

Good morning, I have a certification set with several messages, however, the messaging does not appear to be working as I had intended. I have two messages set up based on the program due date and then one set for the re-certification window. I was operating with the understanding that the program messages would only go out during the initial certification process and not when the re-certification window opens, however, I have several folks that have received both program due messages and the re-certification window open message all at the same time.

Is there a way to only send the program messages during the initial certification and not during subsequent re-certifications?

Craig Eves
Re: Messaging in certifications
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年05月23日 Thursday 19:55
小组 Totara

Hi Dennette

Can you or your partner create a support ticket so we can investigate further with details and version of Totara and certification settings and whether the certification completion was uploaded. 

This doesn't sound expected behaviour but this may be the way things have been setup.
