Best practice forum (Archived)

Automated pre-populated learning plan

? ?
Automated pre-populated learning plan
de ? ? - Wednesday, 29 de May de 2019, 08:10

We want to create automated pre-populated learning plans defined by position (e.g. adviser, manager, etc). I have gotten as far as setting up the competencies and then linking them to courses, linking the competencies to positions and then pulling courses into the learning plan from those competencies. However, there doesn’t seem to be an option to pull programmes and it only seems to pull 5 courses even though there are a lot more.

It just feels like this is way more complicated than it needs to be. Is there something quite obvious I am missing here? What is the best way to set up competencies and automate custom learning plan creation?


Thanks in advance!


Craig Eves
Re: Automated pre-populated learning plan
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 29 de May de 2019, 17:44
Grupo Totara

Hi Kashish

This is the way that assigning courses to Learning Plans currently works you need to link to competencies and assign to organisations/positions as discussed here As you can see we are currently developing Totara Perform which includes requirements for competencies and Learning Plans.

The idea about including an ability to pre populate a Learning Plan with programs sounds good - are you able create a feature request - or get your partner to including more details of your requirements and the reasons you need these. 

There shouldn't be a limit to the number of courses that can be added this way - I will test this out.


Craig Eves
Re: Automated pre-populated learning plan
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 29 de May de 2019, 21:05
Grupo Totara

Hi Kashish

I tried this with adding more than 5 courses toi the Learning Plan and this worked Ok - can you create a Support ticket so we can look at this in further detail?


? ?
Re: Automated pre-populated learning plan
de ? ? - Thursday, 30 de May de 2019, 02:00

Hi Craig,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! Where can I create a support ticket? Also, am I right in understanding that you can't pre-populate learning plans with programs? 

Warm regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Automated pre-populated learning plan
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 3 de June de 2019, 19:17
Grupo Totara

Hi Kashish

I am not sure what organisation you belong to - if you are a Totara partner or direct subscriber then I can add you to the helpdesk support desk. 

If you are a client of a partner then you will need to get your partner to submit a ticket

You are right prepopulating a learning Plan with a program is not possible.


Djamileh Aminian
Re: Automated pre-populated learning plan
de Djamileh Aminian - Tuesday, 22 de February de 2022, 23:29
Grupo 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Grupo PartnersGrupo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Craig,

Some of our Learn clients are in dire need of this feature as well (they are not using, nor wish to use Perform).

Since this is an old post, can you tell me if this has been added to the Totara Learn roadmap already or if I need to create a ticket in the desk?

