Best practice forum (Archived)

schema for course backup file

Matt Williams
schema for course backup file
door Matt Williams - Friday, 31 May 2019, 10:16 AM

Is the schema for the course backup file defined? As far as I know the one way to bring in a new course is with a restore which works with an mbz file. I would like to look at generating that file. Totara is the only tool that we use that doesn't allow us to work from github being the source of all info. Building a tool to generate that mbz file from a series of yaml files seems a doable thing, but having a schema makes it a little easier. 

Or are there other ways to import a course? I looked into the API but it seemed like there were a few areas not fully covered.

? ?
Re: schema for course backup file
door ? ? - Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 09:00 AM

Hi Matt,

You are correct we don't have a published schema for backup files. Totara code is available to Totara Subscribers and Partners - if you are currently working with either of those you could check in with them about code access for the project you're working on.

What areas are you looking at on the API that aren't fully covered? That will help me give the team a bit more direction on what you're looking for.



Matt Williams
Re: schema for course backup file
door Matt Williams - Tuesday, 18 June 2019, 06:50 AM

Hi Wesley, 

We are a subscriber and do have access to the code, but not sure where to look, that said, haven't spent a lot of time looking. 

And maybe i just haven't looked enough for how to create a course using the API. When talking API, is it just the webservices? I see admin/webservice/documentation.php but not seeing anything around creating courses there. 

? ?
Re: schema for course backup file
door ? ? - Tuesday, 18 June 2019, 08:22 AM

Hi Matt,

Your Partner can provide you code access. If you need help sorting out who to contact, drop me an email and the name of your company and I can get you connected.

