Alright I've been having a hell of a time trying to set up what should be a fairly straight forward use case for an Appraisal. The work flow would be:
- A user's manager answers a set of questions (ranking/comment)
- User, Manager's Manager and Appraiser can view the completed answers at some point. (not required to view/not necessary to complete)
- Manager and user meet to discuss the answers from the first bullet and generate an action plan
- answers from previous bullet/action plan viewable to all after completion
My problem stems from every time I give view permissions to other roles on questions/non-question elements it forces those roles to view the Appraisal before it will complete the stage:
appraisal where the only question M's M & Appraisal can view is an aggregate rating:
I want the M's M & appraiser to be able to view the aggregate rating of the another role's answers (the manager in this case). However if I add them to it the element displays as if it's aggregating their answers:
I thought I might be able to get around this by not giving the M's M/Appraiser permissions within the Appriasal itself and just built a report for them based on the Appraisal Detail report source. But even with the content/access restrictions correct they can only view the name of the Appraisal - not the actual content:
Report view as Manager's Manager
View of Report columns as an Admin:
I feel like I'm going crazy with this. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've tested every permission/stage/page combination I can think of and I can't get it to function the way I would want/expect.