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whats the diff between assigning via the visible learning tab and reg assignment

? ?
whats the diff between assigning via the visible learning tab and reg assignment
door ? ? - Tuesday, 11 June 2019, 13:10 PM

Hello Totara People.

Im trying to figure out, what if ANY is the difference between assigning learning via the Visible Learning Tab in Audiences vs. adding an audience to any given program?    both are ways to attach learning to a group of people based on pre set criteria so is there any benefit of one over the other?

thanks for any insights


? ?
Re: whats the diff between assigning via the visible learning tab and reg assignment
door ? ? - Wednesday, 12 June 2019, 06:34 AM

Hi Christina,

Great question, the short answer is there isn't one! Either way you choose to do it, you'll notice that the assignment will pop up on the other page as well. 

Personally, I don't choose one method over the other consistently. If I'm setting up an audience and the program already exists, I'll add the program as I build the audience. If the audience already exists and I'm building a new program, I'll assign it as part of building the program.



? ?
Re: whats the diff between assigning via the visible learning tab and reg assignment
door ? ? - Wednesday, 12 June 2019, 07:13 AM

thanks for clarifying that for me Wesley.   Much appreciated ;)
