Best practice forum (Archived)

Completion Settings question

? ?
Completion Settings question
de ? ? - Monday, 8 de July de 2019, 12:54

Hi Everyone

I am on version 11 and hoping you can help with this question.   i have a course  made up of 2 sections; 1 English and 1 Japanese.  Each section has 4 parts.   Completion means you completed ALL 4 pieces within either language.    My issue is when i get to Completion Settings, i dont see a way to properly set this up?   its either ALL conditions are met?  or ANY conditions are met?  

Any suggestions on this set up?  or is it just not possible?

thanks in advance, you all are always a big help.


Craig Eves
Re: Completion Settings question
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 8 de July de 2019, 17:23
Grupo Totara

Hi Christina

One possible way is to create an activity for each language. Restrict access to this activity so that it only appears when all of the activities in the language have been completed.

Make this activity a label with instructions saying something like You have completed all of the activities please tick the self completion box to the right - and make the activity activity completion Learners can manually mark the activity as complete.

Also note there is a restrict activity condition for user's language that may also be useful.


? ?
Re: Completion Settings question
de ? ? - Tuesday, 9 de July de 2019, 08:14

Hi Craig

thank you.  that is a really good suggestion.  i implemented it and am waiting to hear from my SMEs.   My only concern is the added "activity" for users to do.  Funny enough, we still struggle with having users read instructions and complete tasks but that is a user issue that i think everyone has.   

Thanks Again.


Alex Carrick
Re: Completion Settings question
de Alex Carrick - Tuesday, 9 de July de 2019, 07:06
Grupo Partners

Hey Christina!

Another way you could set this up would be to restrict access on the acitivites to force them to take activities in order (so they could only take the 4th English activity after completing 1,2 and 3) and then use activity 4 in each language as your completion criteria so it would look like:

  • English
    • Activity 1
    • Activity 2 (Restricted until Activity 1 is complete)
    • Activity 3 (Restricted until Activity 2 is complete)
    • Activity 4 (Restricted until Activity 3 is complete
  • Japanese
    • Activity 1
    • Activity 2 (Restricted until Activity 1 is complete)
    • Activity 3 (Restricted until Activity 2 is complete)
    • Activity 4 (Restricted until Activity 3 is complete)

Course Completion: When Activity 4 (English) OR Activity 4 (Japanese) are completed

? ?
Re: Completion Settings question
de ? ? - Tuesday, 9 de July de 2019, 08:28

Hi Alex

thank you so much for the suggestion.  i thought about that but one complaint we often get is the way all of those restrictions look to the user   

is there ANY way to hide all that stuff?

Craig Eves
Re: Completion Settings question
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 9 de July de 2019, 17:22
Grupo Totara

Hi Christina

There should be a Hide button on the Restrict access setting for the Activity


? ?
Re: Completion Settings question
de ? ? - Wednesday, 10 de July de 2019, 12:01

Thank you Craig!!!!!!

? ?
Re: Completion Settings question
de ? ? - Wednesday, 10 de July de 2019, 12:04

Oh BOO. i think i spoke too soon.   My version 11 doesnt have that eyeball.  =(    would it be hidden somewhere else??

Alex Carrick
Re: Completion Settings question
de Alex Carrick - Thursday, 11 de July de 2019, 08:42
Grupo Partners
Your version 11 site should definitely have those options.  My guess is there's a theme issue blocking them.  Try changing the theme to the core theme, navigating back to the page and see if they're there. 

If that doesn't work, and you have access to input CSS I've used this in the past when I had the same issue

#fitem_id_availabilityconditionsjson *[aria-hidden=true] {

    display: inline;