Totara Learn Open Discussions

SMS integration with Totara

SMS integration with Totara
TregonningRenee 发表于 2019年08月13日 Tuesday 22:08

Hey guys,

We are looking to move to Totara as a complete solution and remove the need of a Student Management System.

One of the key features of our Student Management system is the ability to link it to an SMS provider allowing automatic reminders for workshops to be sent both by email and sms (this improving our attendance) plus also Trainers being able to SMS directly to students in a workshop as a followup.

I'm interested if anyone has attempted this in Totara and/or is this a capability that Totara are working on?

Any advice at this stage?

I did a search to try and look for examples:

Thanks in advance


Re: SMS integration with Totara
AngusGeorge 发表于 2019年08月14日 Wednesday 02:48
小组 Totara

Hi Renee,

There's been some discussion around the issue here: TL-5140 Implement general purpose messaging library, but as far as I'm aware there hasn't been any work as yet. Please feel free to comment on the thread.

