Totara Learn Open Discussions

Embed H5P (and full HTML support) inside User Tour

Max Waluk
Embed H5P (and full HTML support) inside User Tour
par Max Waluk, Tuesday 17 September 2019, 05:58
This may belong in feature requests, but I am wondering if there is a plan to allow HTML in the user tours. 

I am trying to create an interactive video that has links to courses at the end and displays when the user logs in for the first time. This would work very well as part of the user tour, but currently I am limited to plain text in the description field. My workaround is to put the video in an HTML block using an iframe embed and just allow the user to minimize the block once they have watched it, but I know that some users will never minimize that block and it will sit there on their dashboard forever. 

? ?
Re: Embed H5P (and full HTML support) inside User Tour
par ? ?, Wednesday 25 September 2019, 12:09

Hi Max,

Great questions! It would be quite useful to embed videos right in the tour. There is already a feature request to add an HTML editor to the user tours.



Max Waluk
Re: Embed H5P (and full HTML support) inside User Tour
par Max Waluk, Wednesday 16 October 2019, 07:51

In case anyone is trying to do something similar to this, here is the workaround I came up with. I have a course in our LMS that is accessible to all users (it's a sample course for guests to see the kind of training we offer). I created an H5P activity in its own section of this course, then deleted the section, making it an "orphaned activity" (so it's not visible in the course but still technically accessible). I then took the embed code from H5P and put it into an HTML block on the user's dashboard. Now any user with access to that dashboard can watch and interact with the video.

Neil Hellewell
Re: Embed H5P (and full HTML support) inside User Tour
par Neil Hellewell, Wednesday 16 October 2019, 11:58

Hi guys, instead of using the embed code in the block on the dashboard - would a h5p filter plugin work as well ?

Max Waluk
Re: Embed H5P (and full HTML support) inside User Tour
par Max Waluk, Thursday 17 October 2019, 07:11

Very interesting, thanks for the info! This would save me a ton of work with duplication if it works as described.