Totara Learn Open Discussions

Help with a permission

Carla Bradley
Help with a permission
par Carla Bradley, Friday 25 October 2019, 09:17

Can you guys point me to which permission allows the trainer to see details of the user's response to each question/points received? I have enabled almost every quiz permission for my trainiers, yet they can only see what's in the first screenshot, while I can see what's in the second screenshot. The third screenshot shows the permissions that are set.


Craig Eves
Re: Help with a permission
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Tuesday 29 October 2019, 19:55
Groupe Totara

Hi Carla

What is shown to the learner for their attempt is controlled by the Quiz settings Review options.

A trainer is able to Review attempts by going into the quiz grades. This shows the answers given but doesn't include the review information that the learner receives.


Carla Bradley
Re: Help with a permission
par Carla Bradley, Wednesday 30 October 2019, 12:57

With my Site Manager test account, I can see the review information. I've combed through the trainer vs. Site Manager permissions, and have had no luck determining which one controls this view.

I've started to wonder if it's a setting with the gradebook and not permissions, but my explorations there haven't led anywhere.

But since the Site Manger can see it, but trainer can't, it has to be a configuration issue.

Carla Bradley
Re: Help with a permission
par Carla Bradley, Wednesday 30 October 2019, 14:45

I found it. A permission called "Manage Advanced Grading Methods" (managegradingforms).

I had a previous question about gradebook calculations, and a good Samaritan on this board responded with some great advice. However, the method advised had a side effect with the gradebook AND reviewing attempts. Since my exams are now a part of an "advanced grading method" and the trainers didn't have permission for advanced grading methods, they couldn't see anything in the gradebook I'd set up (because the only thing in there were calculations) and the review attempt was limited.

So my apologies -- what I thought was a general question was actually quite specific to my case.

I'm sure this won't be a common occurance for others, but at the risk of being redudant I'm going to copy this explanation into the post related to exam caculations, just in case it can help someone else.