Totara Learn Open Discussions

Blended Learning Multiple Group Access

? ?
Blended Learning Multiple Group Access
de ? ? - Friday, 15 de November de 2019, 09:11

I want to create a blended learning course for multiple audiences. The scenario is 

  • There are multiple Face-to-Face deliveries of the one course.
  • There is an online component that students need to complete before and after the course
  • The online component contains some discussion groups 
  • The discussion groups only need to be available to the people that are in the same Face-to-Face group
  • I want to limit the time that students are able to view the materials before the course starts.

I have created a blended course. I have included a seminar activity with multiple signup dates. I am unsure how to hide the rest of the materials and release them to the individual groups depending on the seminar they sign up to.

If anyone can point me in the direction of some documentation that may help it would be really appreciated.


Craig Eves
Re: Blended Learning Multiple Group Access
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 17 de November de 2019, 14:03
Grupo Totara

Hi Peter

It is possible to restrict access to an activity to a selected group and also by a specified date. To turn on the restrict access go to  Site admin > Advanced features

It is possible to add members to groups through audiences by modifying the audience sync enrolment method for the course.

See the group help docs for more information on what can be done using groups - if you use the setting separate group for the forum activity then forum postings will only be visible to member of the same group. This means that only one forum needs to be created.

Let me know if you have any further questions.



? ?
Re: Blended Learning Multiple Group Access
de ? ? - Monday, 18 de November de 2019, 02:03

Thanks Craig,

That is exactly what I was looking for. Can you also tell me if there is a way to auto enrol in a group depending on a Seminar enrolment. We have multiple seminars at different dates and the students that are enrolled on the seminar will be part of the same group. I cant see anyway to automate this?

Thanks again for your reply.


Craig Eves
Re: Blended Learning Multiple Group Access
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 18 de November de 2019, 15:11
Grupo Totara

Hi Peter

To automate this you would need an audience rule that selects the people who have completed the  seminar activity. Audience rules don't go down to the activity level - they do go to the course level.

If the seminar completion completes the course then a rule for course completion could be used to select these people to enrol in another course that has the content for this audience.

Programs also allow for setting a learning path so one course is required to be completed before another course is able to be enrolled in.
