Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course

? ?
Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de ? ? - Thursday, 9 de January de 2020, 06:58

Hello all! We are currently struggling with adding a Completion Certificate to a Classroom Course.

As we have our system set up now, when we have classroom courses, we are unable to add activities, such as Custom Certificates, to the course. We would like to set up a Custom Certificate on some of our classroom classes.

Does anyone have any idea how we could do this?

Thanks! Dale J Miller

Craig Eves
Re: Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 9 de January de 2020, 14:00
Grupo Totara

Hi Dale

One suggestion is to restrict access to the Certificate activity base on completion of the Classroom activity. 

Assuming that the classroom activity is a seminar activity then when the seminar attendance is marked complete then the learner will be able to view the Certificate activity and their Certificate will be generated.


? ?
Re: Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de ? ? - Friday, 10 de January de 2020, 10:14


Forgive me, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean. When I am viewing a classroom course, I do not see anywhere that I can click to "Add An Activity" on a classroom course. Do we have classroom courses set up incorrectly?

Thanks, Dale

? ?
Re: Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de ? ? - Monday, 13 de January de 2020, 08:49

Here is a screenshot of one our classroom courses for reference!


Craig Eves
Re: Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 13 de January de 2020, 15:31
Grupo Totara

Hi Dale

It is in the restrict access setting in the Certificate that you want to set so the Certificate is only visible when the seminar Activity has been marked as complete.

This will mean the certificate will not be available to be generated by the user until the seminar has been completed.

Is this what you are trying to achieve?


? ?
Re: Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de ? ? - Tuesday, 14 de January de 2020, 07:07


I believe we are having a bit of a communication breakdown - my issue is that I am not seeing where to add the certificate activity to the classroom course in the first place - unless there is a way to add the certificate at the system level and restrict its access to completion of the course. I've attached another screenshot of our system, I do not see any way to add a Custom Certificate to the classroom event.

Thanks, Dale J Miller

Craig Eves
Re: Adding a Custom Certificate to a Classroom Course
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 14 de January de 2020, 15:39
Grupo Totara

Hi Dale

thanks for clarifying.

The certificate is an activity so should be able to be added to a course by Turning editing on for the course and selecting Add an activity or resource.

If this isn't available then the course format may be a single activity - check under course settings and change the course format.

If this still isn't available then the activity may be hidden - Select Site admin > Plugins > Activity modules > Manage activities and Show the Certificate activity.

it isn't possible to add a certificate activity within the classroom activity as they are both activities.
