Totara Learn Open Discussions

Certification course enrolment

Jennifer Lam
Certification course enrolment
by Jennifer Lam - Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 4:17 AM

Hi all,

We are currently using certifications, from my understanding users might not necessarily be enrolled onto the courses inside. But I thought once they have clicked 'Access Course', they will then be automatically enrolled? Does it mean if I have a certification with 20 courses, the users will have to be enrolled onto the 20 courses as well? I do not have any restrictions on the courses so I don't see why the users are not enrolled after clicking onto Access Course? Can anyone help please?



Craig Eves
Re: Certification course enrolment
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 2 April 2020, 3:09 PM
Group Totara

Hi Jennifer

That is right a user is not enrolled on courses in a certification/program until they select launch course from within the certification/program because there may be access restrictions to courses in a program.

It sounds like you have clicked on the Launch course (Access course) which should enrol the user on the courses with the program enrollment method.

Can you check this again as there may be a delay caused by the program enrolment task not being processed immediately



Jennifer Lam
Re: Certification course enrolment
by Jennifer Lam - Thursday, 2 April 2020, 9:04 PM
Hi Carig,

Thanks for your reply as always!

I have many users have been telling me that it just keeps saying 'you cannot enrol yourself in the course' when they clicked onto access course. Do you know if there could be any bugs and some set-up that might cause this? Will they happen if we are using the same course across multiple certifications?

Thanks again!

Best regards
