Totara Learn Open Discussions

Hide Certifications on ROL when inactive

Roger Copeland
Hide Certifications on ROL when inactive
by Roger Copeland - Monday, 4 May 2020, 5:21 PM

We have a situation where we now have old, end dated and hidden Certifications appearing on the ROL/Certifications tab for users.

The certification name isn't clickable, but the full details are showing as in due date etc, very confusing for the user.

Any assistance in how to hide these old certifications that are no longer in use would be helpful.

We are still on 2.9.50, the above has only occurred after a minor version update.


Craig Eves
Re: Hide Certifications on ROL when inactive
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 4 May 2020, 7:36 PM
Group Totara

Hi Roger

When a user is assigned to a certification a certification completion record is created and this appears on a users Record of Learning whether they have completed this or is hidden.

Unassigning the user from the Certification does take it from the ROL if the Learner has made no progress but if they have completed this then this still appears on the ROL.

There is a Certification completion editor  that will let you change the record for each user. If you change the status of the user to 'No progress' and then unassign the user from the certification then in theory their ROL record should no longer show. 

Can you test this out on a user to see if this works for you.

The other way to make the Certification not show on any users ROL is to delete the Certification under manage Certifications.  This is undoable so you need to make sure that there are no users that you want to keep Certification completion records for.  A backup should be done in just to make sure you can restore records if something unexpected happens.


Roger Copeland
Re: Hide Certifications on ROL when inactive
by Roger Copeland - Monday, 11 May 2020, 9:22 PM

Thanks Craig.

I will do some testing.
