Totara Learn Open Discussions

Temporary Manager - Receive certification messages?

Nathan Harris
Re: Temporary Manager - Receive certification messages?
על ידי Nathan Harris בתאריך 16/09/2020, 20:31

Thanks Craig.

I couldn't see how to raise a support ticket on the Totara website so I'll post the information you requested here.  If you need the information in a support ticket then if you could let me know how to do that then I would appreciate it.

The notification type is: APPROVAL REQUIRED - Face-to-face booking request.

In our Notification settings we have "Manager Copy" ticked.

In our Seminar settings we have "Manager Approval" ticked.

Our Totara version is 12.19

The issue is when I add a Temporary Manager to my Job Assignment they don't receive the notification to approve my booking.  Only my existing manager does.

Also, in our Scheduled Tasks, I found a task called "Update temporary managers" which it states has never run and has 86400 errors.  I have attached a screen shot.  Could this be causing our issue?
