Totara Learn Open Discussions

Learning Plan Emails / Notifications

Jill Scott
Learning Plan Emails / Notifications
על ידי Jill Scott בתאריך 22/06/2020, 09:35
קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022

We are setting up learning plans and populating the completion of these with RPL data.  We are trying to do this behind the scenes without users being aware that we are doing this, but can't seem to find a way to turn off the notifications / emails when we assign a learning plan to a user.  

We could turn off all communications from the site but that does come with consequences for users actively on the system.  Is there a way to turn off just the learning plan notifications / emails until we have finished?

Craig Eves
Re: Learning Plan Emails / Notifications
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 22/06/2020, 17:18
קבוצה Totara

Hi Jill

If you use audiences just to create Learning plan to audience members and then set the Alerts for the audience to 'Do not send alerts' then the user shouldn't get the notifications.

There isn't a setting on learning plans or message defaults that seem to cover Learning Plan notifications.

Let me know how this goes - I tested in latest 12 and seemed to work Ok.


Jill Scott
Re: Learning Plan Emails / Notifications
על ידי Jill Scott בתאריך 23/06/2020, 01:04
קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022

Works a treat for assigning the competencies but when the plan completes, it sends an email to the user.  Any idea of how to temporarily turn this off for users?

Craig Eves
Re: Learning Plan Emails / Notifications
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 23/06/2020, 14:39
קבוצה Totara

Hi Jill

It looks like the Learning Plan completion comes through as a Totara Alert.

It is possible to turn off email alerts for an individual by selecting preferences in their profile and Notification preferences and Email for online and offline to Off.

This will turn off email notifications for all alerts though so probably needs to be turned back on. There may be other Learning Plan notifications that could come through too so may not be that practical to do. 

What is required is a feature request to have finer control over messages which is what the centralised notifications is aimed at doing in the future.
