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Wednesday, 1 July 2020, 3:21 PM
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Craig Eves
Re: Keep delegate on waiting list
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Thursday, 2 July 2020, 6:57 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Cathy

By default when a waitlist event without a date has a date added then learners on the waitlist are automatically added to the event. To prevent this happening select The Send all bookings to the waiting list.

Then the admin can select the people they wish to add from the waitlist as attendees 

There is also a setting on the seminar signup workflow 'Clear expired waitlists' that can be unticked so the people who are still on the waitlist for the event  still remain on the waitlist.

The Seminar waitlist above is a report builder source so this can be used to see who is still on the waitlist and be used to populate a new seminar with no date so all of these people would get added to the waitlist.

Let us know if this doesn't work as you want.


Cathy Manhire
Re: Keep delegate on waiting list
von Cathy Manhire – Monday, 13 July 2020, 10:45 AM

This is great, once I had switched the send all bookings to the waiting list!

Following on from that the confirmation is also good for us.

When it comes to the movement of the residual waiting list to a new one, this is a little cumbersome.  Ideally, I would like there to be another option under the Wait-list actions to be able to move selected delegates to a new undated waitlist.  

Alternatively, the waitlist export could include the ‘username’ and ‘signupnote’ fields to allow it to be used to import into a new waitlist.  I did try adding these columns to the file and importing into a new dateless event but also hit the problem of not allowing multiple bookings which would mean deleting the bookings before importing them or switching off this setting.

I have yet to experiment with the report option to see if I could streamline the use of reporting to produce a waitlist import for the new dateless event.

We aspire to encourage more self-administration of bookings for our courses so avoiding the multiple sign-up to the same seminar will be essential.  We also have a wide variety of seminar types with differing administration requirements which makes life complicated, especially as we switch from a system that people are used to and have all developed work arounds for!