Totara Learn Open Discussions

Enrolment options user info page

Cathy Manhire
Enrolment options user info page
par Cathy Manhire, Monday 28 September 2020, 07:18

The enrolment options page on our Totara 12 LMS varies depending on which enrolment options are enabled for the course the user is attempting to enrol on.  If a course is visible but the user cannot, for whatever reason, enrol on it they receive a message saying that they cannot enrol and, if they think they should be able, to contact our mailbox. 

A problem arises fro courses that we have setup using seminar direct enrolment.  If a user tiries to enrol/sign-up for a seminar based course, when there are not spaces available they are shown the 'cannot enrol' message and not the listing for the fully subscribed event.  This is leading to confusion and lots of enquiries.  I cannot see where to edit this page, stop it appearing for SDE courses or add the fully booked event details as an explainer.

Re: Enrolment options user info page
par George Angus, Monday 28 September 2020, 18:56
Groupe Totara
Hi Cathy,

This is expected behaviour as far as the SDE plugin goes, if there are no spaces on the seminar then the plugin will not enroll the learner. I think the issue here is your customisation of the UI. 

You could include guest access in any courses which are using the SDE plugin - this will let the user see the content without enrolling them, I'm not sure how this would work with your customisation but its definitely worth a try.

Hope this is useful,

