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Build on last attempt essay questions for quizzes

Build on last attempt essay questions for quizzes
JacobsBrooke 发表于 2020年12月28日 Monday 21:46
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know of a way to have manually graded essay questions from quizzes roll over onto the next attempt?


  • I have a quiz with multiple attempts (3) and the grading is set to highest grade
  • On the first attempt the student completes the essay question. 
  • The essay question is graded manually.
  • Student has second attempt at quiz and does not change the essay question text that has already been graded. 
  • Second attempt is submitted.
  • Lecturer/teacher needs to re grade the essay question that was already graded on the first attempt. 

I have attached a screen shot for reference. 

All other questions such as true/false and multiple choice roll over. It is only the essay questions that need to be re graded even though they had been in the previous attempts. 

I have searched the forums and found a tracker from 2015 that references this. It is still open/unresolved

I thought I would reach out here to see if anyone has a solution or work around for this. 



Re: Build on last attempt essay questions for quizzes
JacobsBrooke 发表于 2021年01月9日 Saturday 15:03
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi everyone,

Any ideas on this? 

Craig Eves
Re: Build on last attempt essay questions for quizzes
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年01月10日 Sunday 18:06
小组 Totara

Hi Brroke

One  way to accomplish this would be to use the assignment activity for the essay questions - this allows more flexibility for marking file submission, grade calculation, notification to markers, comments inline, feedback files, attempts etc. use the max attempt or possibly last attempt depending on whether a user can be downgraded. 

Does this sound Ok or is there some requirements not met.
