Totara Learn Open Discussions

How do I use a role in the context of a user?

Antoine Bakx
How do I use a role in the context of a user?
by Antoine Bakx - Wednesday, 20 January 2021, 12:20 AM
Group Partners

I want to define a role for permissions within the context of users. So that members of that role can access data of a specific set of users.

How do I do this?

I did set up a role with context is user. But I was not able to assign that role to an administrator within the context of a selected set of users. 



Re: How do I use a role in the context of a user?
by George Angus - Wednesday, 20 January 2021, 5:21 PM
Group Totara

Hi Antoine,

You can do this via the Job Assignments functionality & Totara Sync using the Staff manager role. You could probably use something based on Multitenancy too - but I think the Job Assignment method is the simplest.



Antoine Bakx
Re: How do I use a role in the context of a user?
by Antoine Bakx - Thursday, 28 January 2021, 3:01 AM
Group Partners


It seems like the multitenancy in Release 13 might work for us.

Re: How do I use a role in the context of a user?
by George Angus - Wednesday, 20 January 2021, 7:03 PM
Group Totara

Craig Eves
Re: How do I use a role in the context of a user?
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 21 January 2021, 2:00 PM
Group Totara

Hi Antoine

Just to add to this - the adding through the job assignment will only work for the staff manager role . 

if you have defined another role you want to apply at the user context then you need to go to the users profile and select preferences snd select the Assign role relative to this user link  This is only able to be done manually.


Antoine Bakx
Re: How do I use a role in the context of a user?
by Antoine Bakx - Thursday, 28 January 2021, 3:03 AM
Group Partners

Thanks. It gives me a beter understanding...

I think we will need to use multitenancy anyway..