Totara Community Updates

Announcing the winners of the 2020 awards + Multitenancy webinar today

Matt Linaker
Announcing the winners of the 2020 awards + Multitenancy webinar today
by Matt Linaker - Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 6:57 AM
Group Totara

Hi everyone, 

The Community is now on latest Totara version 13! If you’ve logged in to the Community in the last couple of days you may have noticed a new look and feel. That’s because we’re now using the Ventura theme available on Totara 13. Have a look around and let us know what you think of our new look! If you’d like to know how we’ve done it, this week we’ve also released our updated Dashboards and basic theming course for v13. We forgot to switch back on the forum notifications which only affects posts since last Thursday and we’ve now corrected it. But do log in to see what you might have missed. 

Yesterday we announced the winners of the Totara awards for 2020. A huge congratulations to everyone who was either highly commended or who won an award. Thank you to everyone else who submitted a great case study in such a challenging year. It was wonderful to see how many of you have used Totara to adapt at speed to your changing requirements due to the pandemic. Check out this year’s list of winners: 

If you missed yesterday’s awards webinar you can watch it on-demand now. 

Webinar today at 4:00 pm London / 11:00 am New York: Supporting multiple tenants with the talent experience platform

Not every organisation delivers learning or manages performance of a single group of users who all work for the same business. In fact, many organisations have more complicated structures. Extended enterprise is becoming an increasingly common business model, with organisations operating through partner or vendor networks, or individual brands owned by a larger umbrella group. How can these structures be supported by a single Totara site?

This is where Totara’s many multitenancy features come in. Join Totara's Senior Partner Success Manager Meredith Henson to review the new improvements to how multitenancy works in Totara 13. 

Register for the webinar

If you’d like to take a deeper dive into multitenancy in Totara 13 then you can access the Academy course on this now. 

3rd February 4:00 pm London / 11:00 am New York: Talent Experience or Talent Management: Which boosts engagement? 

Join Totara’s Chief Learning officer for this webinar in which you’ll learn how talent experience and talent management translate to employee engagement. Lars will review which one will help you effectively build a competitive, agile and future-proof workplace in a fast-changing world.

Register for the webinar

If you’d like to learn more about performance management, a key component of talent management, then do have a look at all of our Academy courses on Totara Perform

New Academy program and course

We know many of you are already up to speed with the features in Totara Learn 12, and may be ready to upskill in the new Totara Talent Experience Platform, Totara 13. If so, we've got just the program for you. Our New and improved program focuses on features that were new or updated in the Totara 13 release. If you've started any of those courses already, they will contribute to your program badge.

New Evidence course

Not all learning takes place within your learning platform. In fact, a lot of workplace learning takes place outside of it! That’s where evidence comes in. The evidence feature allows you to upload content from outside of the platform to demonstrate a skill or achievement. Enrol in the new course now. 

Are you new to Totara or looking to upskill? 

If you’re new to learning about Totara then you may wish to start upskilling by taking the course Totara Learn for Beginners. Or if you’d like to learn more about Totara 13 have a look at the course ‘What is a Talent Experience Platform?’ Why not learn something new by accessing all of the Academy courses here?

We’re releasing lots of content about the new products so if you’d like to be the first to know then follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn as we share more information in the coming weeks. Are you getting our monthly newsletter? If not, complete this form to get it sent directly to your inbox each month. 

Have a great end to the week.