Hi all,
I've tried using the date filed (first working day) as the date which controls addition to audience for mandatory training. However, I have some doubts and would like to ask for advice/guidance in this case.
Some context: Since we have some issues with getting the input from HRIS on active users on time every day, we've adopted the solution which entails that pre joiners in the company also get an active LMS account earlier, but they should be enrolled to the mandatory training on their first working day (because of the due dates). We have info when is the starting day in their account in LMS even before that day is reached. Since we have that info, I've used this to assign mandatory training on that exact date & establish due dates for programs using this date. However I have some doubts which type of custom user field would be most convenient to use in this case & what ruleset to use in the dynamic audience to achieve timely addition to the audience/enrolment to mandatory training.
Problem/Question: I would like that a user is included to the audience & mandatory training is assigned on their starting day, but in relation to the time zone that he/she resides in. So even though colleague in Sydney & colleague in Miami are starting on the same date, I would like the one in Sydney (UTC+11) to be added to the audience a few hours earlier & the one in Miami (UTC-5) few hours later.
However, what we receive from HRIS in the csv file for the first working day is the same date & time field for both of them. Is it possible to somehow work around this & include them in the audience at different times? I think of using date & time field with time zone but I've tested this and it doesn't give me the expected results.
Has anyone been trying to solve similar issue?
Thank you in advance!