Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar cancellation notification

Bianca Capponi
Seminar cancellation notification
by Bianca Capponi - Tuesday, 16 February 2021, 2:46 PM

Hi all, 

I'm wondering if there is a standard notification available to notify a Trainer when a user cancels their registration to attend a seminar?

Thanks, Bianca 

Craig Eves
Re: Seminar cancellation notification
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 16 February 2021, 5:53 PM
Group Totara

Hi Bianca 

I can't see a standard notification that is sent to a trainer when a user cancels their booking. Only managers or cancelled user are available as recipients for cancelled bookings.

Can you explain why you need the trainer to know this information - are they able to get this info from the signups report?


Bianca Capponi
Re: Seminar cancellation notification
by Bianca Capponi - Monday, 1 March 2021, 6:44 PM
Hi Craig, 

We have an external trainer delivering this seminar. Each morning at 7am, a scheduled report is sent to advise who will attend the sessions for the day (using the sign up report). As an external trainer, we do not provide them access to our LMS to check closer to the start of the sessions. 

The email can be sent to an employee who can then advise the trainer but requiring this employee to check on a daily basis if anyone has cancelled from the time the report has been sent could be quite an admin burden. 

Thanks, Bianca 

Craig Eves
Re: Seminar cancellation notification
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 2 March 2021, 12:09 PM
Group Totara

Hi Bianca

Thanks for an explanation of the issues for you - we are currently doing some work on centralised notifications and will check with  team if there is something that would help this issue.


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