Totara Learn Open Discussions

HR Import skipped user log

Clive Massyn
HR Import skipped user log
MassynClive 发表于 2021年02月18日 Thursday 18:48

Hi guys, 

We have a number of profiles on the LMS that we need to suspend e.g. employees on maternity leave and we need to stop the system from sending notifications to complete courses etc. We found that we needed to untick the HR import button and tick suspend (otherwise when the sync happens overnight the profile gets reactivated). The problem we have is that our HR import log tells us that the users have been skipped because HR  important isn't ticked - which is correct. 

Is there another way to achieve what we want and avoid getting the skipped user log? If we have a large number of users suspended in this way would it eventually hit too many errors and prevent new users from being added etc?

Thanks guys :)


Re: HR Import skipped user log
AngusGeorge 发表于 2021年02月22日 Monday 18:38
小组 Totara

Hi Clive,

You can add a 'suspended' column to the upload file and have it at 1 for the Suspended users, and 0 for unsuspended.

Or could you remove the users from the upload file?

