Totara Learn Open Discussions

Passwords getting reset automatically by Site admin account

Malinda Brown
Passwords getting reset automatically by Site admin account
de Malinda Brown - Monday, 22 de February de 2021, 12:25

Checking our system logs I discovered that the Main Site Administrator account is resetting the passwords for the same 8 users every 3 minutes automatically. It looks like a system run process. 

I wanted to know:

1. Has this or something similar happened to anyone else?

2. What can we do to fix this error? My first thought is to discontinue the Site Admin account and set up a new one. 

3. What causes this type of thing and how can it be avoided in the future. 

Thank you for any assistance in this. 

Craig Eves
Re: Passwords getting reset automatically by Site admin account
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 22 de February de 2021, 16:10
Grupo Totara

Hi Malinda

Are you able to get a support ticket created so we can investigate this in more detail.

Please include information on the Totara version , authentication method that the user who is having their password reset has

Is there is a password duration set in the authentication plugin. I don't think that discontinuing the Site admin will prevent this as this is a system process doing this.
