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Upload course completions & certifications

Larry Mitipelo
Upload course completions & certifications
بواسطة Sunday, 7 March 2021, 3:37 PM - Larry Mitipelo
مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2021مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023


I have a certification which is based on the completion of a course.

I've uploaded some course completions and they have generated the associated RPL completions for the course but the certification hasn't updated.

When I've awarded the RPL completion on the course, that does update the certification.

Why is this the case?


Re: Upload course completions & certifications
بواسطة Sunday, 7 March 2021, 5:37 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hi Larry,

The uploaded course completions will be processed on a cron job as they could run into thousands, but individual updates to course completion will be processed immediately as there's no potential performance hit.

If you have a look at the Course import report (administration/Courses/Upload completion records/Course import report) just after a completion upload you'll see the last column is 'Record processed'. It will most likely have the value of 'No' for all the most recent records uploaded.

Let us know if you've any other queries,



Larry Mitipelo
Re: Upload course completions & certifications
بواسطة Monday, 8 March 2021, 1:12 PM - Larry Mitipelo
مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2021مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023

Thanks George.

The last column I have showing on that report is Grade.

There is no Record Processed column showing. Is it possible for me to turn it on?

Re: Upload course completions & certifications
بواسطة Monday, 8 March 2021, 2:32 PM - George Angus
مجموعة Totara

Hey Larry,

What version are you using? The column is available in the latest t13, you can add it if necessary by editing the Completion import: Course status

reported under Reports> Manage Embedded Reports.



Larry Mitipelo
Re: Upload course completions & certifications
بواسطة Monday, 8 March 2021, 5:40 PM - Larry Mitipelo
مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2021مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023

V12 I'm afraid.

We're due for V13 later this year.