Totara Learn Open Discussions

Deprecating Assessment Submission Activities

Izzy MG
Deprecating Assessment Submission Activities
by Izzy MG - Sunday, 18 April 2021, 5:58 PM

Hi all,

We have a large deployment of Totara containing several courses with hundreds of assignment submissions in some activities. This slows down some of the loading for those grading new submissions, and we'd like to deprecate the activity in place of a new activity. There seem to be issues with every possibility I've investigated so far, as ideally we'd want learners to be able to see their submissions in the previous activity when relevant but all new submissions go to a new activity.

The most obvious solution, setting a cutoff date and adding a new activity, results in learners who currently have submissions pending in the previous activity having their assessments seemingly disappear for a while, and extra attempts given to those who've had multiple attempts at the previous activity (we allow a max of 3). Only allowing users to see the previous activity if they've completed it also results in a similar issue.

Ideally we'd be able to set a rule like "If leaner has viewed previous activity, show the original, if not, show the new one", but this doesn't seem possible without mucking up our course completion.

If anyone has any advice or has dealt with a similar issue before, we'd love to hear back. Thank you.

Craig Eves
Re: Deprecating Assessment Submission Activities
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 18 April 2021, 7:48 PM
Group Totara

Hi Izzy

One option is to grant an extension to those users who have submissions pending so their existing submission doesn't disappear 

You can then restrict access to the second assignment based on non completion of the first assignment. The activity completion conditions of the first assignment would be viewing or maybe submission of the activity 

If you want to have course completion tracked then this could be based on a course total rather than completion of activities because activity completion is based on viewing the activity.

Let us know if there are any issues with this.
