Totara Perform Open Discussions

Linking learning to the performance activities

Phil Williscroft
Re: Linking learning to the performance activities
di Phil Williscroft - Sunday, 2 May 2021, 14:28
Hi Becki.

To introduce myself.  I'm the product owner for Perform

Thanks, I'm pleased you're seeing the value.

We've begun developing the review question you are talking about in v14.  in v14 you are able to add competency content to a performance activities.  The functionality we've built to deliver this is (I think) a significant improvement on what is available in v12.  For instance participants can rate the competency from the activity.

We'll add the ability to bring Goal content into an activity for v14.1.  Learning and Evidence will follow in v15.

As part of v15 we'll also be working on the current Goals feature.  I hope we can consolidate objectives in Learning plans with Goals in the work for v15 (I hope).

I hope this helps
