Totara Learn Open Discussions

Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard

Paul Lowndes
Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Paul Lowndes - Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 03:40 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021


We have a number of pages that we use for resources. Under course settings they are set as "not tracked". When opened by a learner they appear in the Current Learning Dashboard as "Not Tracked".

However, unlike courses that are removed from the dashboard when completed these resource pages are never removed as there is no completion requirement.

This results in the Current Learning Dashboard becoming cluttered over time (see screen shot).

Does anyone know how we can remove them or prevent "Not Tracked" pages from appearing in the Current Learning Dashboard?



Craig Eves
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 13 May 2021, 15:57 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Paul

There aren't any configuration options in the Current Learning block to filter content so you won't be able to do this using this block.

The Not tracked status comes from the Course setting - 'Enable Completion tracking' - there doesn't seem to be a way of filtering by completion tracking turned off.

To take this course out of current learning the user needs to be unenrolled from the course 


Paul Lowndes
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Paul Lowndes - Friday, 14 May 2021, 02:32 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Craig

Thanks for checking this out. 

Can you suggest another way of creating a resource  page on the system that does not create an entry in the Current Learning block?

I suppose we could just create a link to a google doc. Is the best option do you think?



Meredith Henson
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Meredith Henson - Friday, 14 May 2021, 03:59 AM
Groep Totara

Hi Paul,

You have a couple of options here.

1. Yeah, you could add a link to a Google page, but you've just lost your learner!  They are now no longer on your Totara site and when more than one user is viewing a doc, their google IDs display at the top of the page, potentially creating data privacy issues.

2. Consider using Totara Engage.  You can create Resources and share them across the site, a tenant or a workspace.  As an added bonus you can have folks Like or Comment on these Resources. You can see how this works right here on the Community.

3. If you need to stick with Totara Learn for now, my suggested approach would be: go to your Totara Front page and add the Main Menu block, you can add any number of Activities and Resources here - including Page resources.  Once you've created the pages/resources, grab the URL of the page(s) and remove (not hide) the block.  You can then create nice links to those resources through the HTML, Featured Links or Main/Top Menu navigation.

Hope this helps!

Paul Lowndes
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Paul Lowndes - Friday, 14 May 2021, 07:57 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Thanks for taking the time to reply, Meredith.

We're on T12 currently so will explore some of these options. 



Andrew Robinson
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Andrew Robinson - Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 19:16 PM
Hi everyone, thanks for the discussion and tips so far.

I also want what Paul wants, or wanted (it's a while ago haha)

Can someone please explain how the Forums page works in the community site?

I can go to this page to access the forums without either the page or forums appearing in the 'Current learning' block in My Dashboard.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door David Shaw - Monday, 17 May 2021, 07:46 AM

Hi Paul,

You can remove all the enrolment options other than 'guest' and it will give your learners access to the page but not enrol them, so it doesn't create a completion record for them, and therefore won't show up in their record of learning, current learning etc.


Paul Lowndes
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Paul Lowndes - Monday, 17 May 2021, 08:44 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi David 

Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try.


Paul Tottle
Re: Remove Not Tracked items from dashboard
door Paul Tottle - Wednesday, 9 November 2022, 15:01 PM
I have another "Not tracked" problem, with version 11.

We have lots of courses showing up as "Not Tracked" in various reports and records of learning. When I check the course settings they are set to "Enable Completion Tracking" = Yes.

So what does "Not Tracked" mean in our context?

My guess is that it means... the course is loaded on their learning plan, but they haven't enrolled yet.

(I've just run a report showing courses and learning plans and "not tracked" only shows up alongside learning plans.)