Totara Open Discussions

Totara and learning + quiz SCORM

Jennifer Lam
Re: Totara and learning + quiz SCORM
par Jennifer Lam, Tuesday 24 August 2021, 21:21

Hi Clive,

After an extensive investigation, once a package has a status of: completed, passed, or failed, then the current attempt has finished. Re-entry to the SCORM package should allow either a new attempt to be generated or the existing previous attempt to be entered into review mode. (Quoted from Totara Help)

Therefore, you MUST enable "force new attempt" if you would like to put learning and assessment in one scorm. However, it will mean that, the user will enter the SCORM without any progress and get confuse that their learning progress has not been recorded.

There is perfect way to include learning and assessment into one scorm without causing some sort of confusion to the user unfortunately. Hope Totara can update the rule of review mode!

Best regards
