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Feedback dependencies behaviour

Larry Mitipelo
Feedback dependencies behaviour
de Larry Mitipelo - Monday, 31 de May de 2021, 16:10
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023


I've set a feedback activity with dependencies, but it is behaving strangely.

This is the set up and expected behaviour:

Question 1 (Q1) has answer 1 (A1) and A2

  • if you choose:
    • A1 you go to Q2
    • A2 you go to Q1A with A3 & A4
  • then if you choose: 
      • A3 you go to Q2
      • A4 you go to Q1B and after answering that you go to Q2

What is happening is from Q1 if you choose the non dependant answer (A1) it goes to Q1B instead of going to Q2.

Any ideas?

I have found that if you choose A2, don't select an answer, go back to Q1 and choose A1, it does go to Q2.


Craig Eves
Re: Feedback dependencies behaviour
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 31 de May de 2021, 19:56
Grupo Totara

Hi Larry

Can you check if you have set as required for Q1A so an answer needs to be selected so Q3 and Q4 are gone to.

If this looks Ok then are you able to do a screen shot when the 'Edit questions' tab is selected in the Feedback activity to show the flow of the questions.  Alternatively if you can create a support ticket with a backup of the feedback activity without user data.


Larry Mitipelo
Re: Feedback dependencies behaviour
de Larry Mitipelo - Tuesday, 1 de June de 2021, 12:46
Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2021Grupo Most Helpful Contributor 2022Grupo Most helpful contributor 2023

Hi Craig,

Not sure why I would set Q1A as required? I gave it a go and it didn't change the behaviour.

See below for screenshot. 

The blue path is the expected branching behaviour. The yellow path is what is happening. So everything is working as expected except if Yes is chosen as the 1st answer

