Totara Learn Open Discussions

Dynamic Audience and Certification

Sue Blake
Dynamic Audience and Certification
von Sue Blake – Friday, 4 June 2021, 12:53 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023Gruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete


We are converting our Recruitment and Selection to mandatory certification with a 3-year refresher requirement.

We want to recognise those staff members who have already completed either the e-learning or the Workshop within the last 3 years.  

I've created an audience to capture these and have assigned that audience to the Certification.  The issue I have is where we have staff who have completed both the e-learning and workshop (both are recognised as options in the Original Certification path: the learner must complete: one course).

The recertification path requires them to complete just the e-learning again in 3 years.  The issue I have is the date that is being used for recertification when a staff member has completed both the Workshop and E-learning.  Example:

Workshop Completed:  28/01/21

E-learning Completed:  21/08/20

I would expect this learner to have a recertification date based on the latest completion (the workshop) but when I check the recertification date is 21/08/23 which is based on the e-learning completion date.

Not sure if I am setting up the rules wrong in the audience set up or if it is something I need to do in the Certification.

Can anyone give me any guidance?  I've attached two screenshots showing the audience rules and the Certification original path.



David Thorp
Re: Dynamic Audience and Certification
von David Thorp – Monday, 7 June 2021, 11:57 PM
Gruppe Learn Site Administrator

What comes to mind here is the recertification date type as below, If i read it right i would guess that you have used option 1 and its picking up the earlier date. If not then hopefully the Totara support team can be more help;



Craig Eves
Re: Dynamic Audience and Certification
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 4:47 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Sue

The Certification completion date is when the completion conditions are first met .  The E-learning was Completed:  21/08/20 and only one of the courses is required to be completed so the Certification is completed.

To get it to be the latest date of the two courses you would need to use the Learner must complete two courses. If this isn't what is required then changing the Recertification details such as basing recertification on the expiry date.


Sue Blake
Re: Dynamic Audience and Certification
von Sue Blake – Wednesday, 9 June 2021, 12:16 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023Gruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Thank David and Craig.  

That makes perfect sense.  I will do some playing around with the recertification set up in our sandbox before going live.

Thank you both for your help.
