Totara Learn Open Discussions

OJT Module Question

Lee Rhyne
OJT Module Question
di Lee Rhyne - Thursday, 10 June 2021, 18:57

Hi everyone,

I'm currently drafting an aseptic competency assessment for perioperative staff.  I thought the OJT tool would be ideal as staff are assessed opportunistically by an assessor during their shift.  Unfortunately the OJT module 'out of the box' only assumes being competent or not competent.  In the case of the aseptic assessment, performance is assessed using the Bondy Rating Scale.  For example I = Independent, S = Supervised, M = Marginal, D = Dependent.  

I cannot find a way to incorporate this into the assessment.  Has anyone in the health industry managed to manipulate the OJT tool to base assessment on more than just one tick box?

Here's a screenshot (you will note that the only option is to 'witness' competency)

Thank you, LR

Craig Eves
Re: OJT Module Question
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 13 June 2021, 20:09
Gruppo Totara

Hi Lee

This is a third party plugin maintained by one of our Totara Partners. 

If they don't reply here then are you able to contact them to see if they have made modifications for the current version of Totara
