Totara Learn Open Discussions

Moving question bank to another category creates completion anomoly

Paul Lowndes
Moving question bank to another category creates completion anomoly
door Paul Lowndes - Wednesday, 28 July 2021, 11:23 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021
I'm trying to rearrange some question bank category locations to make those banks available across the system site for when we need different courses to stay linked to the same question bank.

In doing so, I find that "moving" a bank is really just copying it over. This isn't a major problem if it just means linking the courses to the newly copied question bank. Where I'm having small issues is that I must duplicate the old quiz in each course then link the new quiz to the new question bank - which has the effect of removing the activity completion progress box status for the learner:

This does not seem to affect the course's completion for the learner, nor does it affect the programme completion status of which these courses are a part of. So apart from this anomaly it's fine.

But the anomaly is there and it's a bit untidy.

When I link the assessment back to the original question bank, the activity completion box doesn't change back for the learner.

Any un-touched banks should show this on the learner's course page view:

Any ideas how to clean this up?

Or perhaps is there a way to move the actual question bank to the system category? As I said, when I do that, the question bank just gets copied, not actually moved.

Thank you.
Craig Eves
Re: Moving question bank to another category creates completion anomoly
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 29 July 2021, 20:17 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Paul

There is some explanation of how moving question bank categories work. 

Can you check when you are moving questions that this isn't the last category in the context 

Also cjheck that the role has all of the rights allowed for 

  • question:add
  • question:editall
  • question:managecategory
  • question:moveall 
  • question:viewall 
  • question:useall

Theoretically the moving of question bank categories should be possible without copying but haven't tested in practice


Paul Lowndes
Re: Moving question bank to another category creates completion anomoly
door Paul Lowndes - Friday, 30 July 2021, 02:42 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Thanks Craig I'll take a look and check

Paul Lowndes
Re: Moving question bank to another category creates completion anomoly
door Paul Lowndes - Saturday, 31 July 2021, 07:56 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

It wasn't the last category in the context, no.

What I've since found was that using the arrow icons moves the bank/subcategory to the system category without copying it. I was moving the bank by clicking the cog to edit the subcategory and then selecting the desired parent category from the drop-down list. Like I said, for some reason that just copies the bank over instead of moving the original.

I'll use the arrows from now on even if it's a bit fiddly. Thank you.