Totara Talent Experience Platform Release Notes

Totara TXP 14.2, 13.10; Totara Learn 12.33, 11.46, 10.46 and 9.55 are now available

Riana Rossouw
Totara TXP 14.2, 13.10; Totara Learn 12.33, 11.46, 10.46 and 9.55 are now available
by Riana Rossouw - Wednesday, 28 July 2021, 10:59 PM
Group Totara

Hello everyone,

The following versions of Totara have now been released:

These versions do contain security fixes, and for this reason we strongly recommend upgrade.
Each release also includes bug fixes and improvements.

A big thanks to the following people for their contributions to this release:

  • John Phoon - Kineo Pacific - TL-31414

Kind regardsRiana Rossouw

Release 14.2 (29th July 2021):


    TL-31725       Added capabilities to roles based on the staff manager archetype

                   As part of the multitenancy solution introduced In Totara 13.0 we've made
                   changes to the staff manager role adding missing capabilities. These
                   capabilities are automatically given during upgrade to Totara 13.0. This
                   may have GDPR, or other privacy-related implications for the site. After
                   upgrading to Totara 13 or higher it makes sense to review your roles and
                   permissions and potentially your site policies to ensure they align with
                   your current system behaviour.
                   What are these changes
                    During upgrade the following capabilities are automatically set to
                   "Allowed" for Staff Managers and any other custom role based on the
                   staffmanager archetype.
                    * moodle/user:viewalldetails
                    * moodle/user:viewhiddendetails
                    * moodle/site:viewfullnames
                    * moodle/site:viewuseridentity
                   What this means in practice
                    This means that users with the staff manager role (typically users with
                   direct reports assigned) will be able to see additional information about
                   the users in the context this role is applied (typically their direct
                   reports). This information might include
                    * email (regardless of email visibility set by the user)
                    * username
                    * full name
                   Why these changes were made
                    These changes were made to ensure consistent visibility of user
                   information as part of the multitenancy implementation.
                   What should I do about it
                    When upgrading Totara to version 13 or later, we recommend you to do a
                   review of your roles and permissions, especially the ones related to the
                   capabilities listed above. Also, consider updating the site policies to
                   ensure they align with the system behaviour to avoid any potential GDPR

Security issues:

    TL-31439       Fixed XSS vulnerability in program notification full name link placeholder

Performance improvements:

    TL-30652       Improved the performance of course completion aggregations for the completion_regular_task

                   On large sites, especially those containing courses with multiple
                   activities, enrolling large numbers of users to these courses can result in
                   the catch-all task 'core\task\completion_regular_task' taking a very long
                   time to complete.
                   The purpose of this task is to ensure that all completion information for
                   all users enrolled in courses is correct and up to date. When users are
                   enrolled in bulk, or changes are made to courses with a large number of
                   enrolled users, the task may need to check and process thousands of
                   completion records.
                   To improve performance and ensure that the task completes in a reasonable
                   time, this patch not only streamlines the underlying check and processing
                   steps, but also introduces the processing of completion records in batches.
                   Only a single batch of completion records that needs to be re-checked and
                   re-aggregated is processed in a single cron run. The following batch will
                   be processed during the next cron run, etc.
                   The patch also includes more detailed information on progress.

    TL-31156       Improved performance of displaying seminars with many events

                   Prior to this patch, the performance of the page showing all upcoming and
                   past events for one seminar did not scale well with increasing number of
                   events when the enrolment plugin 'Seminar direct enrolment' was activated.
                   With this patch the performance of this page is significantly improved.

    TL-31210       Improved performance of the \totara_program\task\recurrence_history_task scheduled task


    TL-30285       Allow the uploading of custom evidence data while uploading course or certification completion records

                   It is now possible to include custom field data when importing course and
                   certification completion evidence records.
                   The format for specifying custom field data is similar to what was used in
                   earlier versions of Totara. The only difference being that fields available
                   for import are no longer the same for all evidence types; these are now
                   determined by the fields defined for the evidence type selected when
                   starting the upload process.
                   Only evidence types marked as 'Available for completion import' can be used
                   during the import process.

    TL-30730       Added a user-defined report feature setting for refinement of the Learn Professional flavour

                   A switch was added to the 'Shared services settings' section in the feature
                   configuration that allows turning off the ability to create reports. By
                   default this will always be switched on, except for installations of the
                   Learn Professional flavour where it is forced to be off.
                   To access this feature, the site flavour must be upgraded from Learn
                   Professional to a Learn Flavour.  

    TL-30732       Added a completion import feature setting for refinement of the Learn Professional flavour

                   A switch was added to the 'Learn settings' section in the feature
                   configuration that allows completion import to be turned on or off. By
                   default this will always be on except for installations of the Learn
                   Professional flavour where it is forced to be off.
                   To access this feature the site flavour must be upgraded from Learn
                   Professional to a Learn Flavour.  

    TL-30896       Disabled organisation hierarchies in Learn Professional flavour

                   A switch was added to the 'Shared services settings' section in the feature
                   configuration that allows turning off the access to organisation
                   hierarchies. By default this will always be switched on except for
                   installations of the Learn Professional flavour where it is forced to be
                   To access this feature, the site flavour must be upgraded from Learn
                   Professional to a Learn Flavour.  

    TL-31057       Updated Microsoft Teams settings to support Totara's Microsoft Teams gateway

                   Added a new 'hidden' setting option - $CFG->msteams_gateway_url - that can
                   be used to define the Microsoft Teams gateway to be used. Once configured,
                   the gateway setting will be available.

    TL-31276       Updated URL to Product documentation and improved wording of Help tab in the Microsoft Teams application
    TL-31356       Added function to let notification resolvers know notifications have been sent

                   Notifiable event resolvers are now able to implement a function
                   'notification_sent' which will be called when a notification based on the
                   resolver is sent. The resolver can then execute arbitrary code, such as
                   recording the information in a custom log table.

    TL-31368       Added a script to bulk set the 'Assignment creation availability' of competencies

                   Before Totara 13, users were assigned to competencies through learning
                   plans. Totara 13 introduced competency assignment without the need to
                   create learning plans. To make this even more configurable, administrators
                   can now indicate which competencies are assignable and who can assign users
                   to them. This is done through the 'Assignment creation availability'
                   attribute of a competency. It can be set to allow users to assign
                   themselves, assign other users, both or none.
                   Without this script the only way to change the 'Assignment creation
                   availability' of multiple competencies is to open each competency and
                   manually change the attribute as needed.
                   The provided script, located in
                   dev/perform/set_competency_assign_availability, allows administrators to
                   perform bulk updates of the 'Assignment creation availability' of multiple
                   competencies. Help on how to run this script can be obtained by calling it
                   with '--help'.

    TL-31378       Added ability to use data series configuration on report builder graphs

                   This allows more advanced configuration of data series within a graph, for
                   example, fill under lines in line graphs, line styles or colours of data

    TL-31379       Hid collapsible components when there is only one notification resolver

                   When there is only one item to show/hide, the collapsible component does
                   not increase the quality of the user's experience. The show/hide elements
                   of the UI are now hidden in these cases.

    TL-31402       Increased the maximum length of course category names to 1333 characters
    TL-31506       Added goal review type to the linked review question element 

                   We have implemented a new type to review "Personal goals" and "Company
                   goals" within the new linked review question (originally introduced in
                   Admins can now set up a performance activity to include reviewing goals as
                   part of the activity. They can configure who (which participant
                   relationship) can select the goals for the individual activity instance.
                   They can also enable changing the status of the goal directly from within
                   the activity and who (which participant relationship) can change the
                   It is possible to add sub questions to the goals review question.
                   Users who select the goal have to have the appropriate capabilities to view
                   the goals of the subject user otherwise the list of goals will be empty.
                   Related capabilities are:
                   * totara/hierarchy:viewallgoals, 
                   * totara/hierarchy:viewownpersonalgoal, 
                   * totara/hierarchy:viewstaffpersonalgoal, 
                   * totara/hierarchy:viewowncompanygoal, 
                   * totara/hierarchy:viewstaffcompanygoal

    TL-31713       Updated the welcome message that is sent when adding the Totara app to Microsoft Teams for the first time

Bug fixes:

    TL-30068       Fixed popover being cut off from its nearest container's boundaries

                   The display of popovers has, in some situations, been delegated to the root
                   DOM node to facilitate reliable z-index display, which was suffering from
                   stacking context conflicts. There are now two modes; 'contained' which
                   respects a parent container, and 'uncontained' which respects the root DOM

    TL-30258       Virtual scroll can now load more on page load

                   Previously the virtual scroll would only load more results after a user had
                   scrolled. This could lead to a situation where no additional results were
                   loaded after page load when the screen was sufficiently tall enough.

    TL-30290       Changed visibility checks for competencies linked courses within a plan

                   Now the visibility checks for competencies linked courses are being made
                   based on the person who linked the competency to the plan instead of the
                   plan's owner. This way we have a consistent behaviour when adding courses
                   to a user's learning plan.

    TL-30394       Fixed auto-subscribe behaviour for forums that are added to the front page

                   There was an issue where the forum 'Auto subscribe' option would not work
                   correctly for forums added to the site front page. All newly created users
                   are now automatically subscribed to front page forums (if the forum setting
                   is enabled).

    TL-30413       Tui Grid component now handles zero unit GridItems correctly

                   Before this change, GridItems with zero units risked still having gutters
                   and affecting overall Grid size. Originally we thought zero units shouldn't
                   be supported, but we've found a couple of use cases now, and so this is now
                   correctly supported - no console errors are generated by Vue prop
                   validation failure.

    TL-30421       Role descriptions are now consistently formatted across the site
    TL-30662       Fixed incorrect site policy check in notifications and messages popover
    TL-30734       Fixed JSON validation for json editor throwing unnecessary debugging message
    TL-30908       Fixed an error message appearing when a user accessed a non-joined workspace with a tour enabled
    TL-31098       Fixed managers being able to do administrative approval in seminars

                   Fixed bug where managers could solely approve seminar signups that required
                   administrative approval by approving the request twice (for example, first
                   time via seminar approval form and second time via accepting the task in a
                   task block).

    TL-31106       Fixed Evidence columns being shown in Learning Plans when Evidence is disabled

                   The learning plan reports no longer include an evidence column by default
                   if evidence has been disabled for the site.

    TL-31138       Fixed issue where attempting to close a dropdown in weka, closes the containing modal

                   Closing a dropdown in the Weka editor using the "Esc" key no longer closes
                   the modal it is contained in.

    TL-31208       Fixed course search functionality to be tenant aware
    TL-31239       Audio controls are now shown on links to external audio files
    TL-31241       Fixed reporting of Throwable errors in scheduled tasks
    TL-31280       Fixed loading of workspace discussions, ensuring third and following pages are able to be reached
    TL-31281       Ensured all custom fields are visible in the custom settings of the user profile block

                   Prior to this, if a custom field was empty, it would not be displayed in
                   the custom settings for the block. This prevented administrators from
                   including or excluding the field for display.

    TL-31311       Fixed 'Assign competencies' button in competency profile to display only when the user has the necessary capability
    TL-31312       Fixed hidden categories visible in grid catalogue filter
    TL-31325       Fixed the rendering of the course self enrolment form when an associated audience is deleted

                   Prior to this fix, an error would occur when an administrator attempts to
                   view a course's self enrolment configuration form, when the dropdown
                   setting "Only audience members" had been set to an audience that had been
                   With this fix, an administrator can now view the course's self enrolment
                   configuration form, despite the setting "Only audience members" still using
                   the deleted audience.

    TL-31351       Reverted Javascript Promise polyfill for IE11 due to a bug in core-js latest polyfill

                   We have reverted the newer core-js Promise polyfill for IE11 due to a bug
                   that was quite hard to investigate, and would likely also create other
                   related issues. Given that IE11 is not being updated, we will leave the
                   older Promise polyfill in place for now. A new file has been created to
                   isolate this polyfill, and the file is added to the IE11 polyfill bundle
                   during its build process. The polyfill build process itself has also been
                   updated to introduce a new package.json specifically for these polyfills,
                   which we do not want to keep in lockstep with latest dependency releases
                   without close inspection, and should build with a locked version set.

    TL-31364       Fixed some instances of profile cards not showing the link to the profile for users with the capability
    TL-31365       Fixed bug causing unsharing a resource from a workspace to fail
    TL-31399       Improved reliability of SCORM packages saving progress with large amounts of data
    TL-31414       Ensured only tenant users are displayed in user select search
    TL-31426       Fixed issue with sending scheduled reports if dataroot folder is a symlink

                   If the dataroot folder specified in the config.php is a symlink to another
                   folder located elsewhere the attachment path wouldn't be resolved

    TL-31429       Fixed error when connecting Microsoft account to Microsoft Teams virtual meetings plugin when using nginx
    TL-31431       Switched the incorrect display of the 'locked' and 'unlocked' icons when protecting a block
    TL-31433       Changed the json_editor audio node to allow an empty transcript attribute
    TL-31462       Fixed Weka editor converting external link to internal one when displayed as a card
    TL-31473       Patched YUI3.17.2 to prevent IE11 JS error in un-polyfilled iframe context

                   A previous patch introduced an ES6 feature which would normally be
                   available for IE11, however the YUI3 library dynamically creates an iframe
                   to facilitate file uploading (within Repositories for example) and that
                   iframe never receives polyfill dependencies. This fix uses the iframe's
                   parent scope which does have polyfill dependencies.

    TL-31550       Reduced the length of table prefix used in MySQL/MariaDB testing to avoid hitting table name limits
    TL-31561       Fixed temporary managers not being unassigned when a job assignment is deleted if a manager is also assigned
    TL-31565       Allowed the paging component current page to be updated by parent component

                   Currently the input box for page number doesn't update to reflect any
                   changes to the current page from the parent component.

    TL-31624       The course administration dock has been hidden when viewing a course in Microsoft Teams

API changes:

    TL-28526       Added GraphQL mutations to mark courses, programs, certifications as viewed
    TL-31207       The report link on Totara comments can now be hidden by the component which displays them

                   We have improved the 'Report' link in Totara comments by making it
                   customisable per comment component.
                   Individual components can now describe specific rules on when it shows the
                   Report link for comments and replies.

    TL-31244       Allow notification resolvers to specify additional criteria

                   The notification API has been extended to allow individual notification
                   resolvers to specify additional criteria which must be met before a
                   notification will be sent. See notification technical documentation for

    TL-31635       Use ORM builder in totara_userdata component

                   Added 2 new functions
                   * totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_context_builder_join() same
                   as totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_context_join() but using
                   ORM framework
                   * totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_builder_join() same as
                   totara_userdata/userdata/item::get_activities_join() but using ORM
                   As Totara introduced the ORM framework, we are converting SQL queries from
                   DML to ORM.
                   Please refer to the full documentation available here:

    TL-31645       Added behat steps to check toolbar options in Weka Editor
    TL-31661       \page_requirements_manager::js_call_amd() can now be called without specifying the 'function' parameter

Tui front end framework:

    TL-31581       Uniform propagates the 'validation-changed' event

                   The  'validation-changed' event fires on change events in Uniform
                   controlled forms and is now exposed at Uniform component level. 
                   The event supplies a `validationResults` object with validation details for
                   each input field that has been touched.


    *  John Phoon - Kineo Pacific - TL-31414

Release 13.10 (29th July 2021):


    TL-31725       Added capabilities to roles based on the staff manager archetype

                   As part of the multitenancy solution introduced In Totara 13.0 we've made
                   changes to the staff manager role adding missing capabilities. These
                   capabilities are automatically given during upgrade to Totara 13.0. This
                   may have GDPR, or other privacy-related implications for the site. After
                   upgrading to Totara 13 or higher it makes sense to review your roles and
                   permissions and potentially your site policies to ensure they align with
                   your current system behaviour.
                   What are these changes
                    During upgrade the following capabilities are automatically set to
                   "Allowed" for Staff Managers and any other custom role based on the
                   staffmanager archetype.
                    * moodle/user:viewalldetails
                    * moodle/user:viewhiddendetails
                    * moodle/site:viewfullnames
                    * moodle/site:viewuseridentity
                   What this means in practice
                    This means that users with the staff manager role (typically users with
                   direct reports assigned) will be able to see additional information about
                   the users in the context this role is applied (typically their direct
                   reports). This information might include
                    * email (regardless of email visibility set by the user)
                    * username
                    * full name
                   Why these changes were made
                    These changes were made to ensure consistent visibility of user
                   information as part of the multitenancy implementation.
                   What should I do about it
                    When upgrading Totara to version 13 or later, we recommend you to do a
                   review of your roles and permissions, especially the ones related to the
                   capabilities listed above. Also, consider updating the site policies to
                   ensure they align with the system behaviour to avoid any potential GDPR

Performance improvements:

    TL-30652       Improved the performance of course completion aggregations for the completion_regular_task

                   On large sites, especially those containing courses with multiple
                   activities, enrolling large numbers of users to these courses can result in
                   the catch-all task 'core\task\completion_regular_task' taking a very long
                   time to complete.
                   The purpose of this task is to ensure that all completion information for
                   all users enrolled in courses is correct and up to date. When users are
                   enrolled in bulk, or changes are made to courses with a large number of
                   enrolled users, the task may need to check and process thousands of
                   completion records.
                   To improve performance and ensure that the task completes in a reasonable
                   time, this patch not only streamlines the underlying check and processing
                   steps, but also introduces the processing of completion records in batches.
                   Only a single batch of completion records that needs to be re-checked and
                   re-aggregated is processed in a single cron run. The following batch will
                   be processed during the next cron run, etc.
                   The patch also includes more detailed information on progress.

    TL-31156       Improved performance of displaying seminars with many events

                   Prior to this patch, the performance of the page showing all upcoming and
                   past events for one seminar did not scale well with increasing number of
                   events when the enrolment plugin 'Seminar direct enrolment' was activated.
                   With this patch the performance of this page is significantly improved.

    TL-31210       Improved performance of the \totara_program\task\recurrence_history_task scheduled task


    TL-30285       Allow the uploading of custom evidence data while uploading course or certification completion records

                   It is now possible to include custom field data when importing course and
                   certification completion evidence records.
                   The format for specifying custom field data is similar to what was used in
                   earlier versions of Totara. The only difference being that fields available
                   for import are no longer the same for all evidence types; these are now
                   determined by the fields defined for the evidence type selected when
                   starting the upload process.
                   Only evidence types marked as 'Available for completion import' can be used
                   during the import process.

    TL-31276       Updated URL to Product documentation and improved wording of Help tab in the Microsoft Teams application
    TL-31368       Added a script to bulk set the 'Assignment creation availability' of competencies

                   Before Totara 13, users were assigned to competencies through learning
                   plans. Totara 13 introduced competency assignment without the need to
                   create learning plans. To make this even more configurable, administrators
                   can now indicate which competencies are assignable and who can assign users
                   to them. This is done through the 'Assignment creation availability'
                   attribute of a competency. It can be set to allow users to assign
                   themselves, assign other users, both or none.
                   Without this script the only way to change the 'Assignment creation
                   availability' of multiple competencies is to open each competency and
                   manually change the attribute as needed.
                   The provided script, located in
                   dev/perform/set_competency_assign_availability, allows administrators to
                   perform bulk updates of the 'Assignment creation availability' of multiple
                   competencies. Help on how to run this script can be obtained by calling it
                   with '--help'.

    TL-31402       Increased the maximum length of course category names to 1333 characters
    TL-31713       Updated the welcome message that is sent when adding the Totara app to Microsoft Teams for the first time

Bug fixes:

    TL-30068       Fixed popover being cut off from its nearest container's boundaries

                   The display of popovers has, in some situations, been delegated to the root
                   DOM node to facilitate reliable z-index display, which was suffering from
                   stacking context conflicts. There are now two modes; 'contained' which
                   respects a parent container, and 'uncontained' which respects the root DOM

    TL-30290       Changed visibility checks for competencies linked courses within a plan

                   Now the visibility checks for competencies linked courses are being made
                   based on the person who linked the competency to the plan instead of the
                   plan's owner. This way we have a consistent behaviour when adding courses
                   to a user's learning plan.

    TL-30394       Fixed auto-subscribe behaviour for forums that are added to the front page

                   There was an issue where the forum 'Auto subscribe' option would not work
                   correctly for forums added to the site front page. All newly created users
                   are now automatically subscribed to front page forums (if the forum setting
                   is enabled).

    TL-30413       Tui Grid component now handles zero unit GridItems correctly

                   Before this change, GridItems with zero units risked still having gutters
                   and affecting overall Grid size. Originally we thought zero units shouldn't
                   be supported, but we've found a couple of use cases now, and so this is now
                   correctly supported - no console errors are generated by Vue prop
                   validation failure.

    TL-30421       Role descriptions are now consistently formatted across the site
    TL-30662       Fixed incorrect site policy check in notifications and messages popover
    TL-30734       Fixed JSON validation for json editor throwing unnecessary debugging message
    TL-30908       Fixed an error message appearing when a user accessed a non-joined workspace with a tour enabled
    TL-31098       Fixed managers being able to do administrative approval in seminars

                   Fixed bug where managers could solely approve seminar signups that required
                   administrative approval by approving the request twice (for example, first
                   time via seminar approval form and second time via accepting the task in a
                   task block).

    TL-31106       Fixed Evidence columns being shown in Learning Plans when Evidence is disabled

                   The learning plan reports no longer include an evidence column by default
                   if evidence has been disabled for the site.

    TL-31208       Fixed course search functionality to be tenant aware
    TL-31239       Audio controls are now shown on links to external audio files
    TL-31241       Fixed reporting of Throwable errors in scheduled tasks
    TL-31281       Ensured all custom fields are visible in the custom settings of the user profile block

                   Prior to this, if a custom field was empty, it would not be displayed in
                   the custom settings for the block. This prevented administrators from
                   including or excluding the field for display.

    TL-31311       Fixed 'Assign competencies' button in competency profile to display only when the user has the necessary capability
    TL-31312       Fixed hidden categories visible in grid catalogue filter
    TL-31325       Fixed the rendering of the course self enrolment form when an associated audience is deleted

                   Prior to this fix, an error would occur when an administrator attempts to
                   view a course's self enrolment configuration form, when the dropdown
                   setting "Only audience members" had been set to an audience that had been
                   With this fix, an administrator can now view the course's self enrolment
                   configuration form, despite the setting "Only audience members" still using
                   the deleted audience.

    TL-31365       Fixed bug causing unsharing a resource from a workspace to fail
    TL-31399       Improved reliability of SCORM packages saving progress with large amounts of data
    TL-31414       Ensured only tenant users are displayed in user select search
    TL-31426       Fixed issue with sending scheduled reports if dataroot folder is a symlink

                   If the dataroot folder specified in the config.php is a symlink to another
                   folder located elsewhere the attachment path wouldn't be resolved

    TL-31429       Fixed error when connecting Microsoft account to Microsoft Teams virtual meetings plugin when using nginx
    TL-31431       Switched the incorrect display of the 'locked' and 'unlocked' icons when protecting a block
    TL-31433       Changed the json_editor audio node to allow an empty transcript attribute
    TL-31462       Fixed Weka editor converting external link to internal one when displayed as a card
    TL-31473       Patched YUI3.17.2 to prevent IE11 JS error in un-polyfilled iframe context

                   A previous patch introduced an ES6 feature which would normally be
                   available for IE11, however the YUI3 library dynamically creates an iframe
                   to facilitate file uploading (within Repositories for example) and that
                   iframe never receives polyfill dependencies. This fix uses the iframe's
                   parent scope which does have polyfill dependencies.

    TL-31550       Reduced the length of table prefix used in MySQL/MariaDB testing to avoid hitting table name limits
    TL-31561       Fixed temporary managers not being unassigned when a job assignment is deleted if a manager is also assigned
    TL-31624       The course administration dock has been hidden when viewing a course in Microsoft Teams

API changes:

    TL-28526       Added GraphQL mutations to mark courses, programs, certifications as viewed
    TL-31645       Added behat steps to check toolbar options in Weka Editor
    TL-31661       \page_requirements_manager::js_call_amd() can now be called without specifying the 'function' parameter


    *  John Phoon - Kineo Pacific - TL-31414

Release 12.33 (29th July 2021):

Performance improvements:

    TL-31210       Improved performance of the \totara_program\task\recurrence_history_task scheduled task

Bug fixes:

    TL-30290       Changed visibility checks for competencies linked courses within a plan

                   Now the visibility checks for competencies linked courses are being made
                   based on the person who linked the competency to the plan instead of the
                   plan's owner. This way we have a consistent behaviour when adding courses
                   to a user's learning plan.

    TL-30394       Fixed auto-subscribe behaviour for forums that are added to the front page

                   There was an issue where the forum 'Auto subscribe' option would not work
                   correctly for forums added to the site front page. All newly created users
                   are now automatically subscribed to front page forums (if the forum setting
                   is enabled).

    TL-30421       Role descriptions are now consistently formatted across the site
    TL-31399       Improved reliability of SCORM packages saving progress with large amounts of data
    TL-31431       Switched the incorrect display of the 'locked' and 'unlocked' icons when protecting a block
    TL-31550       Reduced the length of table prefix used in MySQL/MariaDB testing to avoid hitting table name limits
    TL-31561       Fixed temporary managers not being unassigned when a job assignment is deleted if a manager is also assigned

API changes:

    TL-31661       \page_requirements_manager::js_call_amd() can now be called without specifying the 'function' parameter

Release 11.42 (29th July 2021):

Bug fixes:

    TL-30972       Improved the JavaScript validation for required user profile checkbox fields

                   Prior to this patch, a single checkbox user profile custom field that was
                   made required could result in a 'Required field' message being displayed
                   erroneously when checked by the user. This patch fixes the bug.

    TL-31431       Switched the incorrect display of the 'locked' and 'unlocked' icons when protecting a block
    TL-31468       Fixed favicon display when custom icon is uploaded to the theme
    TL-31550       Reduced the length of table prefix used in MySQL/MariaDB testing to avoid hitting table name limits
    TL-31561       Fixed temporary managers not being unassigned when a job assignment is deleted if a manager is also assigned

Release 10.46 (29th July 2021):

Bug fixes:

    TL-31550       Reduced the length of table prefix used in MySQL/MariaDB testing to avoid hitting table name limits
    TL-31561       Fixed temporary managers not being unassigned when a job assignment is deleted if a manager is also assigned

Release 9.55 (29th July 2021):

Bug fixes:

    TL-31561       Fixed temporary managers not being unassigned when a job assignment is deleted if a manager is also assigned