Totara Perform Open Discussions

Development framework

santi lm
Development framework
par santi lm, Wednesday 4 August 2021, 18:42

I have been asked to do something like this

what would be the best way to achieve this?

Phil Williscroft
Re: Development framework
par Phil Williscroft, Wednesday 4 August 2021, 20:44

Hi Gaspar.

To introduce myself I'm the Totara Perform product manager.

What version are you using?

The version determines what documentation I'd refer you to for specifics, but the basic method remains the same.

  1. create an appraisal (prev13)/performance activity (v13+Perform)
  2. set the questions using a numeric or custom scale to collect responses
  3. define the audience(s)/position(s)/Organisational group(s) for the questionnaire
  4. assign the questionnaire to the audience(s)/position(s)/Organisational group(s)

You can export the responses to report on them

santi lm
Re: Development framework
par santi lm, Wednesday 4 August 2021, 22:44

Hola! we are moving to 13 in the following weeks

Phil Williscroft
Re: Development framework
par Phil Williscroft, Thursday 5 August 2021, 16:43

13 with Perform?

santi lm
Re: Development framework
par santi lm, Thursday 5 August 2021, 17:15

yep, with Perform

Phil Williscroft
Re: Development framework
par Phil Williscroft, Monday 9 August 2021, 22:02

Great.  Welcome!

Have you reviewed the webinars and academy courses for Perform?

Essentially you can create a questionnaire and assign that to the relevant audience (I use that term to include audience, position, or organisation).
The subject's manager (the subject being the user that is sent the questionnaire) can then review the results as an export.

Have a look and let me know if you have any questions