Totara Learn Open Discussions

Time to complete field

Sally-Ann Bartlett
Time to complete field
بواسطة Thursday, 12 August 2021, 12:50 AM - Sally-Ann Bartlett

Hi all - hoping you may be to help me understand the "Time to complete" field in Totara 12 reporting. 

How does the system record how long someone took to complete? 

How accurate is it? Does it adjust for inactive time? (e.g. a learners starts the course but steps away)

Are there any system setting we need to check or setup for this to work correctly? (some of the data looks reasonable but one states 56years! ;) and some courses that are completed don't have the time completed stat attached)

Any help and advice you could give me would be gratefully received


Craig Eves
Re: Time to complete field
بواسطة Sunday, 15 August 2021, 7:19 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Sally-Ann

There are a couple of fields Time to complete (since start date) and Time to complete (since enrol date) 

These measure the total time that the user took to complete the course including any inactive time.

I think that the value is showing as 56 years as the user does not have a date started or date enrolled - maybe the have been marked as RPL without opening the course or they have unenrolled from the course. You should be able to confirm that by adding the date started or enrolment date to the report.
